"Hey, Mags, can I talk to you for a second?" Oliver said from the entrance of the kitchen. I was just about to put an unpopped bag of popcorn into the microwave.
"Yea, one second," I opened the door to the microwave and put the bag in, then closed the tiny door and pressed the popcorn button. The timer started counting down from 3:25. I then turned around to face Oliver. "What's up?" I hopped up onto the counter.
"I just wanted to tell you something," Oliver took a few steps towards me, so he was standing directly in front of me, "and that thing is that I love you." He then quickly planted his lips on top of mine. When he pulled back a giggle escaped my lips.
" I love you too, Ollie." I pecked his lips in return.
"Promise?" He asked, a needy look appearing on his face.
"Promise." I smiled and pecked his nose.
"Ollie! Get the door!" I yelled from the kitchen.
"Already on it!" Oliver yelled back. It was silent for a few moments until I heard the sound of the door opening and people walking in. It was James and Xylina. I had thought they cancelled, but I guess not.
"Hey Maggie." James greeted as he placed a 6 pack of beer onto the counter.
"Hey, I thought you two weren't coming..?"
"We weren't, but then I forgot to make a reservation, so we decided to come." James said leaning up against the counter. "Where's everyone else?
"Gabby and Ana went downstairs to get Tom. They should be back any second."
"Ah." Seconds later the door opened, and the apartment was filled with the sounds of Gabby and Ana laughing.
"What took you two so long?" I asked, walking out of the kitchen.
"We didn't realize we were gone so long." Gabby shrugged.
"Now that you're back we can start the movie." I grabbed the giant bowl of popcorn and walked out into the living room. Oliver was already sitting in the recliner, so I put the bowl onto the coffee table. As I crawled onto Oliver's lap he gave me a weird look.
"Nope." He smiled and wrapped his arms around my waist.
About half way through the movie we decided to take a bathroom break/popcorn refill. I was about to get up to go pop some more popcorn we I relized Oliver still had his arms wrapped tightly around my waist.
"Ollie, I have to get up."
"So you're James?"
"Nope." He smirked.
"Oliver. Let me get up. Now."
"Fine." He groaned and released me from his grip.
"Thanks love." I quickly pecked his cheek and got up, grabbing the once overflowing bowl of popcorn, and headed to the kitchen, only to walk into to see that the kitchen was crowded. In fact everyone was in there except for Oliver. I quickly navigated my way over to where the box of popcorn bags was and put one in the microwave.
"Hey, Maggie, do you have any more beer?'' Xylina slurred from beside me.
"In the fridge." I replied, then watched her walk back in the direction of the living room. ~She must be going to get her empty can?~ I asked myself. After I had popped several bags, I emptied them into the bowl and walked back into the living room. But the sight I saw caused me to drop the bowl, spilling the popcorn everywhere.
Xylina was on top of Oliver kissing him.
"Oliver." My voice croaked, tears welling up in the corners of my eyes. They broke apart and Oliver's eyes instantly widened, he pushed her off him. Xylina got a stupid smirk on her face and stood up.
"Maggie, it's not what it looks lik-" Oliver stood up, wiping some lipstick off his lips causing me to wince.
"What?" A look of confusion spread across his face.
"Get out." I barely managed to say without stuttering.
"Maggie, please." Oliver said taking several more steps towards me.
"Get out of my apartment."
"JUST GET OUT!" I screamed, tears slipping down my cheeks. Oliver bit his lip and quickly walked out the door. I turned to Xylina, "You too, you filthy fucking slut." I yelled, restraining myself from attacking her. She got up and ran for the door.
"Maggie? What's going on?" Tom asked walking out into the living room, and that's when I broke down.