I was surprised to learn that Lili had a friend that she was decent to, or, rather, that she had any friends at all. Tracy seems like a nice girl, and she puts up with Lili better then I ever could.
When Tracy came out of the fingerprinting lab about twenty minutes later, she was holding a printout which still had wet ink on it.
"Here's the results," she said, walking toward us, "the fingerprint matches that of a guy named Jake Rogers. He's been in a bit of a tussle with the law in the past."
"Was it big trouble?" asked Julia, a worried look on her face.
"Would've been if he wasn't so oblivious to the big picture. It turns out the big bosses didn't let him in on as much as they made it sound like," Tracy replied.
"Can we see the photos?" asked Lili.
Tracy handed the paper to Lili, who scrutinized it for a few seconds before passing it on. At first, I didn't notice anything in particular expect that 'Jake' had a streak of blue in his bleached blonde hair. Then it hit me. He looked exactly like a high school friend of mine, Vincent.
"Hey, I know this guy!" I cried, flapping the paper around in my excitement. "He went to my high school. We had biology together! But his name was Vincent..."
"We know he has used fake names, but his real one is Jake," Tracy explained.
Lili took the paper from my hands, none too gently, and looked at the photo again.
"Is there any way that we can get in touch with him?" Julia asked.
"I have connections," I said mysteriously. I enjoyed being the one who had the answer this time. "He spent a lot of time with Miles Davis, who works with me at The Little Pastry. I'll talk to him tomorrow."
"I'll leave you three to it. It seems like you can handle it just fine. Call me if you need anything!" Tracy said cheerfully.
"Will do!" Julia said.
"Bye Trace!" Lili called as we walked out.
Again, I was surprised at the apparent change of character. On the bus back home, I said, "I take lunch at 11:30 am tomorrow and I can talk to Miles then. What if I met you guys at the park at noon?"
"I suppose that will work for me," Lili said, her voice back to its usual cold air. I noticed she looked a bit uncomfortable for some reason, and I must admit it pleased me.
"Me too!" Julia said.
"Alright then! Until tomorrow!" I cried as I stepped off the bus.

(I don't have a name yet)
AdventureWhen I came back after failing to find you, all my books, the whole display, was gone!" "What? ALL gone!?" Sage cried. "Where could they have gone?" "It's my suspicion," I said, lowering my voice and leaning in closer to Sage, "that someone stole th...