Chapter Twenty-Two

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Harley decided it probably wasn't a good idea to stick around in the parking lot any longer, so she put her cell phone down and would make the call after she got home. Heaven forbid, she run into anymore Wolf Springs's residences in the mood she was in right now. Despite her friend's best efforts, she was still shaken from the feed store incident.

Putting the truck into drive, she worked double time to keep her foot from slamming onto the accelerator and spewing gravel far and wide. Not because it was an immature gesture or because she was worried about doing damage to the other parked vehicles, but because she didn't want to take her anger out on her own truck.

Gripping the steering wheel, she focused on the road before her as her mind chewed on the day's events. Rafferty! Man, what she wouldn't give to have his bloated butt decorating the front of her grille guard. How dare the fat bastard treat her that way! Her cheeks warmed at the memory of what he had said and who had heard it.

She knew deep down not everyone would believe it, but there would be a few who would take that shit to the bank and it would make easing her way into the community that much harder. Not to mention the horrible position he had put Lloyd and his family into. Harley sighed.

At least she was pretty sure about one thing and that was Jenny's husband hadn't really wanted to turn her away. Obviously, Rafferty held something over his head. She would make sure she kept her distance from the small family so she didn't cause them anymore harm, but she was going to have to do something about that jerk Rafferty. Her plan to just avoid him wasn't going to work. A man like him, couldn't be avoided.

Harley let out a harsh laugh. In fact, avoidance didn't seem to be a word in her vocabulary which was going to be working out for her any time soon. She tried to avoid Rafferty which blew up in her face. She would have given anything for Travis to have avoided the whole scenario in the feed store and now she was going to have to call in her family who she had been avoiding because she wanted to prove to them she could do this on her own. Avoidance was failing her...miserably.

Tears of frustration started to run down her face and she angrily wiped them away. Damn, she was sick of crying and sick of men in general, including Travis the gorgeous Adonis. If she could ride? She snorted as his condescending tone echoed in her head. Egotistical handsome pig, she thought, her brow dropping into a scowl. Who did he think he was talking to?

Harley's brain waves screeched to a halt with its inner tirade on that little speed bump causing her to face-palm her forehead in exasperation. Woo-boy, wait a minute. He didn't know who she was. Nobody in this town did. It was the whole reason of moving out here to begin with. To get a fresh start. And it had been her fantastically stupid idea to keep her identity on the down low.

Harley groaned and rolled her eyes. Seemed due to a technicality, the handsome cowboy had managed to escape her temper unscathed yet again. A small giggle bubbled up as her inner demon tossed her the finger and went stomping off in its corner. Now she only had to figure out who she was or wanted to be before Rafferty destroyed what reputation she had for good.

She knew she wanted a life here. The minute she had ran into the deed to the property when she was going through her father's things, she felt it. Her heart knew this was where she belonged and Travis Montgomery only confirmed it more. Harley wanted a life with him, despite the fact he could rub her the wrong way. But, one thought of his ability to rub her the right way, had her getting damp with a pleasant tingle in her pussy, making her wriggle in the seat.

Harley realized a relationship with Adonis wasn't going to be a walk in the park, but it was going to be one hell of a hot adventure. She only needed a chance at earning his respect and love. One way to help make this town and Adonis respect her, apparently, was to win that rodeo. Squaring her shoulders, Harley sat up straighter. If there was one thing she was certain of, was her ability to win a damn competition and if that was what it took to make a name for herself, then by golly...they had better watch out.

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