Aubrey's POV
I throw the rest of the last minute stuff into the small duffel bag Layla threw at me.
I glance around and sigh. I was going to have to leave so much behind.
Liam included, too.
I get down on my knees and look under my bed to see if there was anything else I needed to bring.
Since it was close to being midnight, it was dark in my room, and the small lamp in my room wasn't helping much, but only giving me a dim shadow of light.
My hand fumbles under my bed until I touch something hard.
I lean a bit under my bed and pull the object out.
It was my box of poems.
I open the top and pull out the stack of poems I wrote.
They felt so delicate in my hands as I looked each of them over, wondering what changed between then and now, until an envelope falls out when I tidy the stack a little better to make it look nearter.
I set aside the stack of poems and pick up the envelope, squinting at it because it was so dark, and trying to be as quiet as possible because of all the shuffling papers that would wake up the idiots, and get me into trouble.
After a few seconds, I finally make out the words: To: Aubrey, From: Owen.
I stare at the words and rub my eyes. It was from Owen?
The date in the corner of the envelope wasn't that far away from his death. A couple weeks ago maybe.
I peel it open gently and take out the contents ever so carefully.
A stack on neatly tidied money falls out.
I stare at it in disbelief. All of them had Benjamin Franklin's face on it.
This made no sense.
Where did all this money come from?
Something else falls out.
A piece of paper.
I pick it up, and with my hands shaking, I read the last words Owen left me in his neat handwriting in the dark:
Dear Aubrey,
I know things haven't been easy the last few weeks. Or for the last couple of years. I know that you haven't been telling me everything that has been going on in your life, but I know why. And I'm sorry. I'm really sorry. You remember all those late nights I stayed at the cafe working? Well, here's all of it. And no, don't give it to mom or the others. It's just for you. This is everything that she ever stole from you. Please Aubrey, keep every single cent of it. But to move on to the happy part,
I stop reading. There was a happy part?
I keep reading, trying to understand what Owen was trying to tell me:
But to move on to the happy part, I honestly think that that boy you've been hanging around, I think his name was like Liam or something, he's pretty cute. And like the psychic I am, I know you like him, too. My point is, I think you should stay with him. You seem happier with him. Don't think that I haven't noticed that. I have. And I think I heard you mumbling his name one night... Haven't gotten over your sleep talking habit, have you?
I put down the letter and smile. That sneaky brother of mine.
I'm just messing with you. Hmmm, now I have to think of some smartass last-word-ending. How about...Go with Liam and be happy.
I smile to myself. I could just see Owen sitting across from me and doing his funny head shaking nod.
Laughing at his little line.
I smile and read the last sentence:
Layla and the idiots treat you like shit, but just know that I love you and I will always be there for you, alright? You were the best thing that ever happened to me.
Love, (this is so cheesy), your big brother,
I smile and wipe the dripping tear of my cheek.
I said the exact same thing about him being the best thing that ever happened to me, and to know that he thought the same, well, it was almost comforting.
Then I remember. The wad of cash.
I pick it up and whisper, Thanks, before I put Owen's letter back into the envelope along with the money and stick it deep into my duffel bag.
I glance around my room for the last time.
I begin zipping up my duffel bag up and when it's zipped up, I walk over to my desk, and take out a big sharpie pen and write the words: Aubrey's Stuff. Wouldn't want my stuff getting mixed up with the others' stuff.
I almost forgot about my other TOMS shoe, still stuck in that green bush Liam made me throw it in.
Just thinking about Liam and this afternoon was almost enough to make me stop in my tracks, but I couldn't just bring one shoe to New York. I wanted both of them.
I sigh and walk over to my door, trying to be as quiet as possible as my door squeaked open.
Grabbing my sweatshirt off my chair, I slip it on and stick the black sharpie in my hand into the pocket.
As I walk out the front door, I try to decide if I want to drive or not, but since Liam's house was only a few blocks away, and I really couldn't risk getting caught by the idiots, I walk.
After a few minutes, I finally reach the spot where I threw my shoe into.
But something else was there.
"Aubrey?" Liam says.
I reach into the bush and grab my shoe in a swift motion, the branches scraping against my skin, but I didn't care. Staying one minute longer would make me rethink everything that I thought I already knew. I knew he was the only who could somehow find a way to convince me to stay, and I couldn't afford that. Not now, not ever.
In the dark, I could see Liam standing up quickly, and in a second of a moment, his hand is on my arm, and I stop moving. I hold the shoe close to my chest trying to keep my breath steady. Just that one touch was causing my heart to do strange things to me.
"Please," he whispers quietly, "stay."
I breathe in and out quietly. I couldn't. I just couldn't.
But instead comes out, "Just for a little while."
He smiles at me warmly and his fingers find mine as they travel down my arm and wrap around mine.
He leads me over to where he was sitting before.
Over there, he had laid out a small picnic blanket, just big enough for the two of us, and another small blanket, for warmth. And beside it, laid a picnic basket.
Liam catches me staring and gives my hand a squeeze. My heart fills with so much hope at that stupid touch. I want to scream at myself for being so stupid.