Author's note from Ruby: Today's one shot is Captain Swan submitted by 💚Zelena💚
Emma woke up cold, which meant that Killian was awake and he had turned the heat down (or maybe he had turned it off completely) because Emma kept the house 'too warm, I'm used to colder temperatures, love. I'm a pirate, remember?'
Despite the cold house, Emma climbed out of bed and walked downstairs to find Henry and Killian drinking hot cocoa with cinnamon. Henry offered her a cup.
"Don't worry, I didn't let Hook near the microwave."
Emma smiled and took the hot cocoa.
After a healthy breakfast of hot cocoa with cinnamon and marshmallows, Emma and Killian dropped Henry off at Regina's house. Though Emma didn't really want to, but she did want time alone with Killian and she knew that at least Regina was an okay mother to him.
They stopped at the Jolly Roger on the way home because Killian said he needed to get something.
The ship was covered in a layer of snow, as it had been snowing since the night before. Emma got bored waiting for Killian, so she scraped a handful of snow off of the deck and packed it together, thankful that she had elected to wear gloves. When Killian emerged from the depths of his ship, Emma threw the snowball at him and it flew into his stomach.
"What was that for?!" He demanded.
"It's called a snowball fight." Emma quickly packed together more snow and this time, it landed on Killian's shoulder.
"This is not fair!" Killian waved his hook around.
"All a man needs is snow and one good hand." Emma smirked, "You've got both."
Killian scooped up snow off of the side of the Jolly Roger and did his best to pack it together with his one hand before flinging it towards Emma. It broke apart in midair and bits of snow landed all over Emma's hair and face.
She laughed. "See? You're getting the hang of it!"
Killian grumbled something about it still not being fair, but was interrupted by a snowball smacking him in the face. He wiped the melting snow out of his eyes and looked over at Emma to see her laughing, obviously not worried about what she had done. Well fine. If she wanted to play that way, Killian was happy to comply.
Emma dashed behind a stack of boxes that she didn't bothering wondering about and began to make more snowballs. She was too busy focusing on packing the snow together to hear Killian sneak up behind her.
But she certainly felt the snow that he dumped down her back. She yelped and turned around to see Killian with a victorious smile on his face. Emma threw the snow in her hand at him before reaching for another snowball and throwing that at him too.
Unfortunately, she only got two snowballs to hit him because he ran off. Emma stayed in her hiding spot, trying to come up with the perfect plan to get her revenge.
Emma tiptoed over to where she knew Killian was, several snowballs in her hand. When she was almost there, she stepped wrongly, and her foot hit the loose floorboard that squeaked whenever someone stepped on it. Emma wanted to punch herself in the face. How could she have been so stupid?!
Almost instantly, Killian was standing across from her.
"Hasn't anyone ever told you, love? Don't try to sneak up on a pirate on his own ship." Killian pulled a rope that Emma would never have thought twice about had it not caused a pile of snow to be unleashed on her.
Emma grabbed Killian's hook, despite the fact that the metal was cold against her hand even through her gloves. One strong tug caused Killian to stumble towards the pile of snow and Emma easily brought him down and laughed as he face planted into the snow.
"Hasn't anyone ever told you? Don't mess with a princess on her boyfriend's ship."
Killian stood up and tackled Emma and the two fell back into the snow pile in a fit of laughter. Emma grabbed Killian's shoulders and pulled him in for a kiss, smiling the whole time.
Emma snuggled closer to Killian. She had piled several blankets on top of them despite Killian's protests that they didn't need so many. Two cups of hot cocoa (complete with cinnamon, of course) sat on the table next to the couch, both nearly gone.
"So what did you need to get anyways?" Emma asked. Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer was on, but it there was a commercial break at the moment.
"Nothing." Killian lied. It wasn't nothing--far from it. But Emma didn't need to know what it was yet.
"I don't believe you."
"I didn't think you would."
"So what did you need?"
Killian thought fast. He remembered something Henry had told him when Killian asked about what Christmas was like in this world; 'Oh, and there's a rule almost everyone has. No asking questions around Christmas. Apparently adults don't like it when you find out what they're getting you for Christmas.'
"No asking questions around Christmas."
"Did Henry tell you about that rule?"
"Aye. But it's true."
"So it was something to do with a Christmas present for me?"
"If that's what you'd like to think of it as, fine." Killian thought to the velvet box hidden in his jacket pocket and the ring that sat inside of it. He was planning to propose on Christmas, so it was sort of like a Christmas present.
"Okay. Guess I'll just have to wait until Christmas then."
"Indeed you will."
Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer came back on and Emma's attention focused back on the movie. Killian still wasn't sure what the big deal about movies was, but he had to admit that they were...different. And if Emma wanted to watch Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer, then that was fine with him.

Ruby's Multi-Ship One Shots
FanfictionOne shots for whatever ship I'm inspired to write about. I'll let the other writers add some one shots to this too occasionally. Written by Ruby (Guest starring other authors from Storybrooke/DunBroch/the Enchanted Forest/Ect)