Chapter 4

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Chandra slowly opened her eyes. It took a while for her vision the clear. However when it did, she found that there was not much to see. The room was dimly lit.

It didn't take long for a splitting headache to manifest itself. Chandra's entire head felt as if it would explode at any moment. She tried to move her legs but to no avail. They were securely tied to her chair. Trying her arms, she found that they too, were bound behind her chair.

A small whimpering sound suddenly caught Chandra's attention. Looking in the direction of the noise, Chandra saw nothing. It was still too dark, but she could definitely hear something.

"Chandra? What's going on?" Lindsey said, the fear obvious in her voice.

"I don't know" Chandra replied. It wasn't much, but what could she really say? They had been kidnapped, and that was that. There wasn't much more to it.

Struggling with her bonds, she eventually stopped. It was useless. After what seemed like an eternity, the door of the room opened, and the light clicked on. Chandra's eyes adjusted to the light. Once she could see clearly, she looked in the direction of the door to see the same man who had killed the bus driver.

"Ah. You two are awake. Well, your probably wondering about things right now. Let me explain" He said, his deep Russian accent cutting through the air like a sharpened knife.

"You see, I know much of you, Chandra Van Der Linde. The reason we have brought you here, is not to harm or kill you. We simply wish to make a trade with your father" the man explained.

"What kind of trade?" Chandra asked nervously.

"Well, look at it like this. We have taken a piece of valuable merchandise, aka, you. You happen to belong to a man who is... how do you Americans say it? Loaded?

Now Chandra got the picture. She was being ransomed.

"What about her?" Chandra said as she nodded toward Lindsey.

"Oh her? Dimitri wanted her. I'm not sure why, but I let him take her. Dimitri!" the man called.

Soon after, a large man walked in. He was much larger than the man Chandra had spoken with. He looked as if he worked out every day.

"She's awake. Do whatever it is you planned" the smaller man said.

Dimitri walked over to Lindsey, who struggled to try and crawl away, as her hands and legs were bound. Dimitri stood the terrified girl up onto her feet. Taking her head in his hands, he quickly snapped her neck.

Chandra screamed.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2016 ⏰

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