You gulped at those words, that expression. Maybe you could talk your way out of this? Maybe you can run for it? You decided to try both. Talk first, run second, if it came to that. "I-I really don't want any trouble. I just want to get home. Back to the surface."
Sans only laughed at your answer. "You see, that's the issue. Everyone down here wants to get to the surface. When we do get there, we will slaughter the human race." He shrugged nonchalantly. "Maybe keep a few around for fun later. What fun is killing everything in the first few weeks?" As he explained this to you, your expression slowly turned to one of horror. He seemed to grow more cocky and his smirk grew the more scared you got. "So, listen. I'm gonna kill you, one way or another. You can make it super simple, and stay here, and I'll end it now. That's no fun, now is it?" He stood up now. "The fun way, is letting you run. And telling my brother, Papyrus. So, go ahead and run, little human." He turned to the taller skeleron-Papryus, you assume-and decided it would be brilliant to shout. "Yo, Pap!" You took this as your cue to shoot out of your seat, only drawing more attention to yourself. You drape Flowey over your neck, grab your bag, and bolt.
Running drew even more attention to yourself, and you heard Sans announce your presence to his brother.
"THE HUMAN IS HERE?!" That shout is all you needed to go into a full-on sprint. The door to Grillby's slammed open behind you after you had already bolted into the snowy outside and you heard fast footsteps behind you. "HUMAN! I WILL TAKE YOUR SOUL, TAKE UNDYNE'S SPOT AS LEADER OF THE ROYAL GUARD, AND THEN GIVE YOUR SOUL TO ASGORE TO BREAK THE BARRIER, AND EVERYONE WILL BE GRATEFUL AND ALSO FEAR ME!!" The shouts increased, followed by scary laughter.
"What the hell Frisk?! You're gonna get yourself killed!" Flowey shouted at you.
"Not. Helping. Dandelion." You grumbled back. You felt yourself get lifted off the ground by that damn red magic again, and then you were slammed into the ground. You gasped in pain, pushing yourself up and taking off running. Rather, trying to. Sans was suddenly, somehow, in front of you. Like he teleported? What? He waved a hand casually, throwing you backwards and straight into Papryus. He shoved you to the ground with a deep frown.
"Human. You have made it impressively far, and I am surprised. Through the Ruins, past the Queen, even escaping my brother once. You have proven to be stronger than we assumed, but now... This is where you die, human." A few bones (bones? What?) flew at you, and Flowey shouted at you to dodge them. You did, taking Flowey's word for it.
"Bro, you could just crush her." Sans said in a bored tone from behind you.
"I like to have a fight, even if it isn't entirely fair." Papyrus announced in a cold tone. You tried to talk to him, telling him you believed in good people, and that you were a good person, and that maybe he could be too. It seemed to confuse him, you being kind.
"I'm not gonna fight you." You said bravely. Either you would talk them down, or you would run, but you were going to avoid fighting if you could.
"You'll make it easier to kill you. I was hoping for a challenge." More bones flew in your direction and you dodged them, or you tried to. A blue one smacked into you and your whole body was tinted blue. You felt like lead and couldn't as easily dodge. Must be more of that damn magic. Your movements were slowed, but you tried to speak again.
"I just want to get to the surface! Let me go in peace!" You tried to plead you way out but that didn't exactly work either. Only more bones and a vicious laughter. You got hit this time and groaned in pain, feeling like you got shot in your side. Flowey, having had enough of this, grew angry and finally did something.
"StAy awAY fRom uS!" His voice seemed to have turned demonic and small pellets flew from him, much like bullets, at the skeleton. Papyrus was caught off guard, and you turned to flee.
Shit, you forgot about Sans. Wait. Where was Sans...? No time to think about the smaller of the two brothers. You ran again, leaving a pissed Papyrus. You clutched at your side, which felt like it was on fire, and you noticed it was bleeding too.
"Dammit." You mumbled. You heard no signs of the brothers behind you, and you were dead tired at this point. Still trudging along, you entered a cool-looking place. Lots of dark and light blues, many things that glowed. It was all around really neat. You slowed down a little, the pain getting to you and your adrenaline running out too.
"That was too close for comfort. Where did Sans go though?" Flowey asked and you only shrugged.
"I don't know and I don't really care. If you see some kind of shelter that I can use I would appreciate you pointing it out to me." You said to your flower companion. After trudging through water and grass-like areas for a long while, Flowey tapped your face with his leaf.
"Look, there. A cave. You can rest there." He said proudly. You sighed but smiled. It wasn't much, and it wouldn't be as nice as a bed, but it worked. You went to the cave and after checking it out a bit, sat down. Your body much appreciated the rest. Digging through the small backpack, you found the shirt you had previously used to help your shoulder, and tore it more to help your now-injured side. Flowey helped too.
"You need to rest, especially with your injuries. I can keep watch." Flowey offered. You were going to refuse, you really were, but you were just so tired... So exhausted... Instead, you just nodded and adjusted the backpack to act as a pillow and curled up. You fell asleep soon, and dreamt of the surface, and of a kinder Sans.

Corruption (OLD)
FanfictionYou died. Again. But, when you woke up... You were back at the beginning. You didn't reset... but something was off. Flowey seemed skittish, frightened even. He was KIND. The people you knew, you once held dear... CHANGED. The entire underground was...