Sorry I didnt upload sooner, it got deleted! But anyways heres the next chapter!
My eyes popped open, my throat felt as if were closing every time I would take in a breath. I treid to sit up and strech my fingers and body, but I couldnt, It was like I was frozen from the neck down. Trying to shake it off I moved my shoulders around, that was a bad ideaI felt a sharp pain. I bet my lip to hold in my screams of agony, once it was all gone I released my lip and sucked in a gulp of air. So I guess moving was out of the question for me. Why cant I move? Why the heck cant I feel my fingers or toes? All these questions and more started popping around in my head. I looked down at my self and noticed body was covered in a orange, brown, and dark red quilt, my arms were on the sides of me outside of the quilt. My left wrist was wrapped up, and I cuts all up my arms with small bruises also. Then it came all back to me in peices: red hair, white, blood, falling, bright lights, and then nothing after that. I was so lost in thought that I wasnt in room, I looked around and noticed I wasnt even in my freaking HOUSE!!!
I started panic, if this wasnt my house then were was I then?
More tomorrow,(*・x・)ノ BYE!