"Michael!" I screamed.
All I saw was the body of my best friend limp and death like seizing around and a bunch of noises from machines going off around him. It took a minute for Niall and I to take in what was happening when a crew of nurses and two doctors came rushing past us into Michael's room. I tried to run forward to get to him, but I was body blocked by a large male nurse.
"Come on, Hail!" Niall loudly, but calmly said as he dragged me outside of the room.
I started trying to fight Niall's grip on me and lunge back in the room to the boy who was once all I had in the world, but I was too weak and small to fight him off. I did put up enough fight for him to have to slam me into a wall to keep me still though. I was crying and screaming and fighting as Niall held me against the wall looking defeated. Finally, I gave up and let my body give out. I slid down the wall still crying, but no longer screaming or fighting. Niall came down with me, his arms around me hushing me and wiping my tears with his sleeve. I don't know how long passed before Louis came down the hall and saw us there. His face was one of pure shock. He walked toward us and without words, gently took me out of Niall's arms and carried me to a chair across the hall. Niall got me a cup of water and quietly explained to Louis what had happened.
"I'm so sorry, Hail." Louis said pushing stray strands of hair out of my face.
"Yeah." I whispered back. My voice weak, shaky and hoarse. Partly from the events I'd witnessed, partly from screaming.
"I'm going to go find the other guys and let them know." Niall said pressing a kiss to my temple before going down the long white hall way to find the other boys.
Louis was sitting beside my chair on the floor holding my tiny cold hand in his much larger warm one when I fell asleep. I don't know how much time passed, but when I woke up, it was Harry beside me.
"Hey." I whispered. My voice was still a little hoarse.
"Hi." Harry answered with a small smile.
All the events from yesterday came rushing back and I immediately sprang into a sitting position.
"Michael?" I asked panicked.
"Shh, it's ok, Liam and Zayn are with him now." He calmed me, rubbing circles with his thumb into the back of my hand.
I got up and walked towards the door before Harry's voice stopped me.
"Hail, I wouldn't! He's still asleep and he doesn't look so good. Maybe you should wait."
I ignored him and kept walking. I slowly reached out and twisted the knob. As soon as I opened the door, I gasped. Harry was right. I should have waited. This was a huge mistake.

Saving Me (One Direction Fanfic)
Fanfiction"It was when I met them that I knew I would be alright." 15 year old Hailey had been thrown from orphanage to orphanage. She thought it would never end when five boys came in and promised to keep her safe and love her forever.Can she keep from lovin...