The Change

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Zak knew the price for Marijuana was high, so he jumped in the ring. With a gang backing him he soared and at 345 years old landed in jail, though he was most wanted on Legionarius. He had over 20.9 billion Caesarions in his bank and lost all of it. In jail he had time to think (he had life and the possibility of execution by firing squad) so he decided after 250 years he was changed and broke out along with the rest of the prison. He spent 10 years on the run, 7 of which he was in the woods living in a cabin he had built.

After he was announced unwanted by Caesar II he got an apartment in Rome and settled down. One week later in an act of insanity he ran down the street naked and got sacked by Roman Guardsmen (Elite law enforcement) and was sent to... it sends shivers down my spine, The Asylum.

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