Ninety Three

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Demi smiled when she opened her bedroom door to check on Joe seeing he was fast asleep. She wondered over seeing that he was shivering pulling the covers further up his body. She grabbed his glass of water changing the water to fresh in the bathroom before leaving the room again shutting the door behind her again. She checked Bailey was okay with the four puppies before she made her way back downstairs. Upstairs was out of limit for the children while they were here, Jayden and Niall always asked Demi if they could go up if they wanted anything but they often didn't need too. She slumped down on the couch taking in a huge breath.

"Momma play!" Niall demanded trying to pull her up with the help of Jayden.

"No mommy is tired," Demi complained giggling as the other children ran over attempting to pull her up as well. "Okay, okay I'm coming."

"How are you feeling?" Demi questioned as she entered the bedroom with a tray in her hands. She set it down on Joe's lap as he sat up in the bed taking a seat on the edge.

"A little better thanks." Joe answered taking the spoon from her beginning to slurp the soup Demi had made for him. They couldn't feed the children it yet because it would be too hot for them but Demi would have some and it would save.

"You look better, I had to send Daisy home because she's ill. It seems like there's a bug going around." Demi stated kissing his cheek gently.

"I just don't like being sick, it sucks and I'm bored. I think I'd rather be doing this essay." Joe mumbled Demi giggling.

"If you think you're up to it do some work but don't be too hard on your body, you need to rest." Demi urged smiling as he took her hand with his spare.

"You need to rest too Demi, you can't be doing everything." Joe urged back.

"I know but who else is going to look after you, seven kids and six dogs?" Demi questioned Joe laughing slightly.

"Don't make me feel bad about being sick." Joe teased.

"I'm not," Demi giggled. "I should get back to them now, see you soon." She kissed his forehead again before leaving the room swooping Niall up in her arms as he ran down the hall, he struggled in her arms trying to get out giggling.

"Lenny!" He exclaimed Demi laughing putting him back down.

"Lenny the lion is in the wash remember." Demi stated taking hold of his hand as he pouted leading him back downstairs.

Demi waved off the last child as they left for the day. Today had been really tiring for her but she preferred it this way. She'd be bored if she were to sit behind a desk in an office all day. She entered the living room seeing that her sons were playing on the floor but she could tell they were getting tired. It was just an hour before their bedtime and she could finally have some time for herself or even with Joe if he was feeling up for it. She sat down on the couch kicking her feet up on the coffee table turning the channel over.

"Mommy bed time." Jayden mumbled.

"Give it half an hour otherwise you'll be waking me and daddy up at five!" Demi exclaimed but they didn't even giggle they were so tired. "Okay mommy will make you some warm milk then we'll watch telly for a little bit." Demi got up from the couch wondering into the kitchen grabbing the milk from the fridge pouring it into a jug which she placed in the microwave. She stood at the counter laying her hand on her forehead feeling exhausted herself but it was only half six.

She begun feeling dizzy and light headed before she fell to the floor hitting her head on the counter on her way down.


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