Hey! I'm Maddy! I figured before you start to INVADE MY PRIVACY AND LEARN ALL ABOUT MY LIFE ANYWAY, I might as well give you some background info about me.
Age: 13 (the government thinks I'm 15, so shh!!)
Best Friend: Ava
Worst Enemy: Either Miss Amanda or Natalie
Hobbies: I'm supposed to have fun things to do? Oops, I'm to busy BUSTING MY @SS making sure no one else gets hurt when Miss Amanda's around. But, in my spare time, I write little lyrics here and there, not that I'm any good or anything. (Ava says I have a good voice, but she's just saying it to make me feel better)
Family: My mother and father are dead, and the government refused to ship us back over to the US, so now it's just Kayla, Griffin, and I. All alone.
Relationship(s): if you mean with a comfy couch or a razor blade, then I'm married to them. (A/N: Maddy DOES cut, so if you're triggered by things like this, please be careful and know that there are people out there who can help you!! There is always a better alternative!!!)
Parting Words: Um, yeah! That's it for now, so... BAI!!!

Fanfiction*SLAP* Ow! " Get up you worthless little brat!! There's work to be done and then you have to go to school!!! Are you even listening?!?! GOD DANGIT MADELEINE, GET UP!!!!" Miss Amanda grabbed me by the thin sheet she calls a dress and throws me to the...