Seemingly eternal darkness that fills the cold, stale cell. It creeps into the creature's every pore and bone, just like it has for the past uncountable days or months - possibly years. The darkness is enough to make the creature forget who -even what- they are and why they are here.
The cold, hard floor provides no warmth or comfort to the being as it tries to rest. The vague, possible feeling of hunger stirs it and prevents it from becoming unconscious. The creature can not remember the last time it fed, the last time the darkness provided a bland meal. Maybe they have forgotten of its existence - or were just purely starving it to death.
Not having any energy to care about the immense hunger in its stomach, the being finally lets the ceaseless darkness take over as it closes its eyes.
The screech of the heavy iron door opening made the thing jolt into consciousness. The sudden burst of candlelight in the pitch-black room was enough to burn its eyes and make it hiss an animalistic sound.
After what seemed like a lifetime, the creature's eyes finally adjusted to the intrusive light enough to see the one wielding it. A silhouette of a man stood before it, peering down into the room.
What seemed like a foreign sound came out of his mouth. The things mind took a moment to process what the sound was - words.
"Is that you Princess Caaenia?"

The Heir
FantasyLocked away in darkness for 10 years can mess with your head - so much that it can make you forget who you are...