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Young Hee's pov :

It was eight fifty in the morning. I was driving along the already-very-busy road of Time Squares. As discussed the previous day, I was heading to my mum's house or my so called past house. Everything felt so new. It has been days since I last visited and I was really wondering about the infrastructure. How come I couldn't possibly picture my past house? Whatever...

Key was beside me, in the passenger's seat, snuggling himself trying his best to control the threatening slumber. He was looking cute and all with his parted mouth and half drooping eye lids.

Since his hand was injured, I said I'll be the one to drive, even though he insisted that he can manage with that still-not-yet-recovered hand.

"Yah Bumty." I called him and he didn't hear me. Seemed like he was out of reach at the moment. "Yah?" I called again, louder this time, poking his flawless cheek.

"Mmm?" He hummed rubbing his eyes. He even blinked like an owl before looking at me fully.

I giggled. "Sit properly. You're going to get body cramps and back pain. Look at you, all curled up like a ball." I nagged.

"Tch. I feel sleepy Young Hee ah. You could have planned this out at eleven or something. Eight fifty for Lord's sake! I would have been snoring right now." He whined.

"Lazy goose. I promised mom that we would drop in for breakfast and not lunch." I managed to smack his head whilst focusing on the road.

"Are we anywhere near yet? Seems like we've been going on a twenty four hours journey..."

"Yeah yeah. Just bear for ten more minutes. Geez I shouldn't have called you in the first place." I shot him a look and rolled my eyes when he did the most extraordinary yawn. Such a sleep head he is.


Sharp at nine, we reached the destination. The car screeched along the road beside the house and stopped, shrieking the insiders. It was then Key woke up from his ten minutes deep sleep. "We reached?" He inquired rubbing his eyes as he surveyed the surroundings.

"Yup. C'mon now." I jumped out from the car, grabbing my handbag and cellphone. The whether was bright and warm. The sun had already started showing off his teeth that anytime soon my skin would turn chocolate if I continue standing there. Inhaling deeply, I took few steps away from the car, bringing myself to stand right at the centre of our gate. A giant polished black one with wooden carvings of ancient Roman cupids.

I wonder when did they do this...
I don't remember having such a majestic gate in front of our old house. Or was it there long back and that I didn't really pay attention?

"Gaping at your own house?" Key's sudden voice at my left ear made a jump a distance.

" It's really been a long time since I last visited." I muttered and he smiled while adjusting his sleeves and pants. I didn't realise that I was staring at my own gate for a while when Key snaked an arm around my waist.

"You can admire that later. Now, if you're ready, we can make a move inside."

I smiled back sheepishly as I nodded. Throwing another look, I pulled open the gates and let myself inside.

Suddenly, I felt a pang of odd unknown feeling hitting me at once I laid my foot on the ground. As weird as it may sound, I did. My body froze at the spot as I inhaled the supposed-to-be normal fresh air. But it rather felt acquainted. As if the air is trying to deliver something.

What's happening to me?

My head circled as giddiness started creeping over me.

"Young Hee ah, call your mom. I think she's asleep still. She didn't hear the calling bell ringing." Key strolled near me. I suppose he must've tried ringing the bell and mom didn't hear.

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