*Grayson's POV*
I looked at the girl, she was really pretty. She also looked so familiar but I just didn't remember anything...
*Lydia's POV*
I Kept Looking at the light but I felt nothing...If I died at least I would be with my dad..Suddenly I felt something onn my handd...I started to feel it was a hand but who's....
*Ethan's POV*
The person providing oxygen for her was on the phone. I heard him say "Oh your Lydia's Parent okay were three minutes away from the hos-- Yes mam your daughter will be alright..."
The only thing that stuck to my mind was Lydia, Lydia....
"What.." Grayson replied
"I think we know her dude.." "Me too but how??" He questioned
" I-I don't know but Im sure we do.." After that I felt Lydia's hand hold mine she was awake??
I said whispering "Lydia you awake?"
*Lydia's POV*
Someone called my name My consciousness regained after that my eyes...opened..
*Ethan's POV*
I saw her eyes they opened she was starting to look around then her eyes layed on mine,gosh her eyes were pretty.. I said in a deep tone "You awake."
She opened her mouth "Does it look like it..."
*Lydia's POV*
I felt extreme pain It hurt so bad I squealed "uhajz!"
The boy said "You-You okay!?"
I replied "Eh a little." I said
He said "Im sorry for what happened.."
"You didn't do anything tho its okay.., wait how are you in here where's mom!?" I tried to move then I squealed again "uhah!"
He said "hey hey don't move, yout moms on her way your okay."
I said "oh oh kayy."
*Grayson's POV*
I saw them having a conversation so I joined "Heya Lydia."
She replied "Am am I seeing double??"
"No were twins haha."
Man I loved her voice...What's happening....
After that we went to the room she got like ten shots and broke 1 rib I felt so so bad........... The last shot was on her ass how funny... The lady asked us to turn around Ethan did with all respect I didn't he punched me really hard I didn't say oww because then it would be obvious that I saw..
My mom and Lydia's mom came like five minutes after that scene..So watcha thinkk