Last chance my brother's bestfriend

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Hey this is mine and @luvi857 - we are writing this stroy together - we hope you like it

Chapter 1

I stared in to my own dark eyes, through the cracked mirror of my house small bathroom. The familiar voice of my brother could be heard echoing through the house. Devon had come home high once again causing him and my father to know be engaged in a shouting match. Even though Devon was in no state to talk, he never was since he had joined the gang after leaving high school things for Devon had gone for bad to worse.

Soon my sisters voice sound from her room. “Shut up people are trying to sleep” it was true. It was two in the morning and they were shouting at each other. I was surprised no one on the street had called the police about the sound, it had happened before. “Oh shut up Megan you bitch” as I said Devon was not himself, when he was high. When he used to be clean he was the same as my other brother Lucan but now he was different.

I concentrated once again on my eyes, trying to distract myself by counting the brown dots which were held within them.  But as I had known since I woke up nothing would drown out the voices flowing from downstairs. So I gave up, I slipped my hands off the sink picking up my jumper. Pulling up my hood over my hair which was up in its normal messy bun, I couldn’t bring myself to cut it, it was the only thing I got from are Grandma who had died around three years ago, it was a chestnut brown and wavy it was now almost to my waist.

I unlocked the door to find the landing was empty. Lucan had obviously decided to leave as well. Because he is usually out of here in these sort of situations, I am always the person he worries about. He does worry about Megan as well but since she is almost the same as Devon he sometimes can’t get through to her. I would have slipped into my room and grabbed my phone, but I know if I woke Megan up again she would have been even worse than Devon to deal with. So I decided against it.

I crept down the stairs making sure not to be seen by any on the occupants of the kitchen, if I did I would be the one getting shouted at next. My parents are strict; they have their rules we have to follow them. Other than that they leave us to get on with it they are busy trying to scratch up money to live. My mum is a hairdresser which pays quite well, but that is stretched very far, and my dad in a grass cutter for the conical which isn’t the best pay.

That was one of the reasons Devon never went to university we couldn’t afford it.  Lucan is trying to get a loan but it is not enough. His friend Josh offered to pay for him, but Lucan is very pride conscious and won’t let him. I slipped out the front door into the dark night to see nothing but stars above. Twinkling down, bathing us in their timeless wisdom. ‘I am there for you darling’ I didn’t need to turn round to see who it was because I already knew no one was around. It had been in my head, one of my many voices I can hear, this one was my grandma’s.

I turned to the left walking down the road. I put my hands in my jumper pockets trying to put a shield between them and the cold night air. I didn’t know I had been heading that direction but I ended up where I always went. I smiled and the swings sitting down. I hadn’t gone here for a while, Xavier’s house stood in front of me, from where I was sat on their swing set.

I couldn’t ring the door bell because his little sister would be a sleep so I couldn’t get hold of Xavier my best friend. I just sat on his swing pushing myself back for with my feet. I stared up at the moon which was visible from where I was now sitting, it made me feel little and insignificant but I couldn’t help but smile at its brightness.  I heard footsteps behind me, “Again?” asked Xavier’s voice behind me, I nodded still staring at the moon.

“Well, he went a few days suppose that’s good” I laughed at that, “No he just didn’t come home” I saw Xavier nodded since he was now next to me. “You want to come inside” I shook my head, and he sat on the swing next to me. “I have you......” he lead it off knowing that I would understand what he was trying to ask. I pulled up my sleeves to show him the scars of my blade but no fresh ones. I also turned my left elbow so he could see my old needles wounds but not a freshly made one, meaning I was cleaning at this moment.

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