Was that a.....Joke?

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Toriel would lead them to a small homey cottage. Rosie would smile as they walked inside. "You guys live in a normal house?" Toriel would chuckle. "Why yes little Rosie. What else would I live in?" Rosie would think. "I thought monsters lived under beds! And in closets." Just then a deep voice would come from the living room. "We could, but sadly there aren't enough beds and closets in the world for all of us." Then a short skeleton man would come from the living room and smile, Rosie would hide behind SIlver. The boney man would look up at Silver and blush slightly. "Oh, sorry for butting in. You must be new here. the names Sans." Rosie would look from behind Silver at Sans, she would walk up to him and giggle. "Your a monster? Your not big and scary!" Toriel would giggle. "Rosie not all monsters are scary. Didn't you know that?" Rosie would shake her head. "Nope, did't learn that at the DWMA." Toriel and Sans would look at each other in confusion, Silver would interrupt. "The DWMA is our school, where we go and learn about protecting our city. I am a miester at the school, while Rosie is my weapon." Sans would chuckle, "So you just swing her around or something?" Rosie would turn into a weapon and Silver would grab her, showing her weapon form. Toriel would back away in fear, Sans would be looking at Silver in awe. Silver would continue, "We protect the city and its people from harm. Its our duty. We came here to check out your home. Well not really the home just the hole that leads to your home." Rosie would change back. "Yeah! Till i fell in and Silver had to come and get me. So were just waiting for our dad to find us, so we can go back home!" Toriel would look a bit worried. "But children, how would your father get you out? Its a deep drop you know." Silver would think, but Rosie would just say whatever came to mind. "Well hes one of the top miesters in Death City!! He can do just about anything!" Silver would shake her head and chuckle. Toriel would notice Silvers response and smile to Rosie. "Miss Rosie would you like to help me in the kitchen till your father gets here? Silver can go and spend time with Sans in the Living Room." Rosie would run into the kitchen with excitement, Silver would smile to Toriel. "Thanks. That means alot." Toriel would smile and go into the Kitchen. Sans would lead Silver into the living room.

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