Please be aware that I do know that cats cannot cry, but what can I say? I'm a rebel :3 (or not really because a lot of writers make cats cry but whatever >:D)∑∑∑∑
This words rippled through my mind as I stared at the sights before me. My gaze was fixated on the distance, widening with horror every time I saw it happen.
First I would see Fernfrost standing before me, a stunned look in her eyes. Knowing what was going to happen, I would always try to move forward but my paws were stuck to the ground like stone. Sometimes I would try and scream out warnings, but usually my mouth would never open, and when it did nothing would come out. Then my mother would charge toward me, saving me from my deadly fate. But she would die viscously, emitting terrifying caterwauls as she did. Then the image would remain frozen; her on the ground in a pool of blood, jaws gaped open and eyes dull and lifeless. And after that, the scene would repeat over and over again.
Why... I thought, sobbing quietly. But I knew I was just imagining myself sobbing, as my seemingly lifeless face didn't feel wet with tears. I emitted a pained scream, but I didn't hear the scream; I knew that like before, I was just imagining it.
"WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?!" My father's voice repeated in my head several times, just as furious and angry as the first time. Then I saw long, outstretched claws ready to plant a fresh new wound across my face. My green eyes stretched wide in horror as blood seemed to splatter everywhere.
This is only the beginning... A ominous voice seemed to whisper, before everything faded into mere darkness.
My eyes shot wide open in alarm. Although almost as soon as I did, I shut them as I felt a stinging pain above my left one. I mouthed a small 'ow' before carefully moving my right forepaw upward and placing it on my chest. I could feel my heartbeat beating rapidly.
It's just a dream... I thought, exhaling a long, deep sigh. I opened my eyes slowly to see that I was inside of the medicine den. It took me a moment to remember what had happened. To realize that my dream was what had happened not too long ago. Fear gripped my heart tightly as I tried to push the thought away.
No... no that never happened. The Clan was just attacked by... err, rogues? I let out another sigh, followed by a quiet, distressed whimper as the truth seemed to burn through me like fire. The memory pierced my heart, sharper and fiercer then an eagles talons ripping through flesh. The hole that had been created there would likely never heal. I moved my neck downwards slightly and wrapped my tail tightly around my lithe figure, wincing with pain as I did so. Then I let thick wet drops of water slowly slide down my eyes and into my bushy black tail.
It was all my fault... I thought, teeth gritted as I tried to stop myself from letting out a desperate wail of distress. If only I hadn't gone outside of camp... if only I hadn't tried to catch that raven... if only I wasn't so stupid... I exhaled a shaky sigh, followed by a quiet whimper.
"-love my daughter, but I'm starting to think that she might be training in the dark forest." I caught half of what someone was saying. It took me moments to realize that this 'someone' was my father.
Is he talking about me? I thought, horror washing over me. The only daughters he had besides me was Ivykit and Silverkit, and they hadn't done anything wrong to him or anyone ever. I gripped my claws around the air in front of me, my frown deepening. Tears glistened in my brilliant green eyes, and I had to stop myself from letting out a desperate moan of distress. I wanted to cover my ears with my paws, but I could've sworn my left one had been torn off. Plus- although I hated to admit it- I was quite intrigued by what he had said, and I knew that listening in on his conversation was the smartest thing to do.
"Can I be honest with you, Emeraldlight?" Whitethorn murmured, exhaling a deep sigh. The brown tabby she-cat must've nodded, because moments later he spoke again.
"When I found Faithkit and Fernfrost, I saw that Fernfrost had just killed a fox. And next thing I know, she's darting off towards the thunder path in hopes to save-" Whitethorn trailed off, his voice clouded with grief. I heard the white tom breathe out a shaky sigh, before continuing.
"In hopes to save Faithkit. And b-before she did... I-I saw a slightly proud look on my daughter's face, although when she spotted me it quickly vanished. P-plus... w-when I took her back to c-camp..." He trailed off again. I opened her mouth to let out a piercing cry of misery, but nothing came out. I could feel my heartbeat racing wildly now and the feeling of warm, wet tears trickling down my cheeks. I must've had a wound there because I felt a stinging pain, but I ignored it.
"I-I saw w-what wounds s-she had... A-and s-suddenly the o-one above the eye... appeared," the white warrior finished, taking in deep breaths of air in an attempt to calm himself. Fury rippled through me as I heard Emeraldlight's words.
"I'm sorry for your loss, Whitethorn. Fernfrost was a brave warrior and a great mother to your kits. I will be cautious around young Faithkit; i'll still be nice to her, just cautious. And I know you hate to hear this but," the brown tabby she-cat paused. I then heard her whisper a series of words quieter than before.
"I think Faithkit might be involved in a prophecy." And I knew she meant it in the worst of ways. I slammed my right paw into the earth below me in fury and sorrow. I winced as pain shot through me, but it was nothing compared to the agony lingering in the depths of my soul.
That liar! I thought, rage pulsing through me. Although that rage quickly was replaced by hurt and sorrow. I knew that if he truly thought that, he wouldn't be telling another cat about his troubles. First my mother died and now my father hates me. I couldn't blame him though. I practically killed his mate.
Paw-steps could be heard scuffling along the dusty dirt floor. The beat of the paw steps slowly got louder and louder. I opened my eyes slightly to see a grey tabby tom with striking azure blue eyes padding over to me with herbs delicately placed in his mouth. I blinked quickly in an attempt to rid my eye sockets of my tears, but they didn't seem to go away. Instead, they fell quicker then before. I lifted up my right paw up and pressed it against my eyes, wincing as I did so.
"Looks like your awake," I heard a slightly sharp murmur sound from somewhere in front of me. I knew this voice belonged to Azurepaw, the medicine cat apprentice of SunClan. Since my fur had soaked up most of my tears, I glanced up and nodded stiffly.
"How're you feeling?" The grey tom asked, blinking momentarily. His tone sounded sharp like usual, although not harsh. I let out a deep sigh in an attempt to steady my vocal chords before responding.
"I'm okay I guess... I can't feel my left forepaw though, and when I move I can feel the pain of my injuries," I answered quietly, my voice sounding slightly drained. I saw a look flash through Azurepaw's gaze, although it was gone too fast for me to decide what that look meant. The grey tabby tom emitted a sigh.
"Sorry to tell you this, but you can't feel your left paw because it's broken. I've only put cobweb and marigold on it so far because I wanted to see how harsh the break was," he replied. "Otherwise I healed your other wounds a little bit, although I would suggest taking it easy for awhile," he added quickly. I nodded stiffly, disappointment rushing through my bones. Great. My mother is dead, my father is plotting against me, and my left paw is broken, I thought, emitting a deep, disappointed sigh. I felt tears starting to well up in my eyes again, although I blinked them away.