Chapter 6 - Chicken much?

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Chapter 6

As we got on the bus, Keisha and I headed upstairs and sat at the back seats furthest away from the cameras. We liked to put out our feet up on the other chairs and the driver would most definitely come upstairs and kick us out.

 "Sooo…" Keisha said slowly. I knew right from that moment I was in trouble. "You planning on talking to Fittie?"

 "No! I don’t even know him and if I did he’s not even my type."

 "Tall gorgeous and sexy isn’t your type?"

 "No, white and boy isn’t my type keish." She huffed at this, crossing her arms and walking over to sit next to me; which was a little difficult seeing as it was a moving bus. She lurched forward and landed in my lap which led us both into a fit off giggles.

"But I’m serious Toni!" She said finally calming down and sitting up properly. "He’s totally gorgeous and you could have carried on talking to him downstairs" I sighed and closed my eyes, remembering just a few moments earlier when I had forced Keisha upstairs realising that the only two available seats were next to him.

 "What would my mum say?" I said and cringed in my head at my sad retort.

 "No offence Toni, cuz you know I love your mum and everything but Fuck her! Do something for yourself for once. You’re gorgeous babe! Any guy would be lucky to have you!"

 "No Keisha" I said quietly. She looked thoughtful for a second and then her brown eyes gleamed devilishly . Oh god. No. She’s not going to do it, she knows I’ll have to do it then.

 "Well, what if I. Dare. You." She said pronouncing each word carefully. She knew I’d do it, ever since she slept over at mine 2 years ago and she’d dared me to put a load of salt in this brand new pot of soup that my mum had cooked (I cant pronounce the name so don’t ask). She had gone absolutely mental!  I hadn’t done it cuz Keisha had forced me too, I’d done it cuz I had enough problems going for me, being the Christian good girl who always did what mommy said. I didn’t what to be known as a wimp as well. That was actually why Keisha and I got to be friends in the first place, she understood and stuck up for me for the rest of the 2 years of high school. "Toni babe! You’re lost in your thoughts again. You gonna do it then?"

 "Yeaahh, Might as well" I replied. She practically jumped on me with delight and excitement.

 "Okay, so here’s what you’re going to do…"  and then she she went on to tell me how I was supposed to walk down the bus stairs and smile at him then walk over to him and ask if the seat next to him was taken. Her plan was ridiculous but a girls gotta do what a girls gotta do Right?

Yeaahh sorry :/ another crappy chapter sorry but please tell me what youu think!!! Votee please!  

Xoxo -InAWhiteTShirt

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