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Dan's POV

it was 7:30pm and the party I was attending to was at 8pm.
To be honest here I only accepted to go because i was looking forward to getting laid.
Call me a man whore.
I don't mind.
I got up heading towards to bathroom to take a shower
Cuz' I hadn't showered in days....know that I think about it probably weeks.
I stripped off my clothes stepping in to the shower and turning cold water on. Most people enjoy hot showers. I enjoy cold.
I finished my business, using shampoo, hair conditioner... Yadda yadda yadda. I then go looking in my closet for anything casual. I mainly have black clothes which my parents HATE. They think I'm emo. When in reality I'm just a normal boy I don't cut and just because I like black clothes doesn't mean I'm emo. I like dark colors an I'll stop wearing black when they invent a darker color.
I finally settled on black jeans and a plain black shirt.
I glanced over at the clock and realized it was now 7:57pm
Oh shit!!! My friend PJ is going to be here at 8 to take me to the party.
I quickly get  dressed and groan when I have to blow dry my hair and straighten it. I quickly blow dry my hair realizing it is now 8pm I don't care if my straightener is not hot enough I just start straightening my hair as fast as possible.
Once I'm done I hear a knock on the door.
"I'll get it!!!!" Yells my mum from the kitchen.
I put on some shoes and start going down the stairs seeing PJ on the couch waiting for me.
"Hey" I say as I grab my jacket.
"Read to go?" He asks I simply nod and kiss my mum goodbye and leave. We were 10 min away from the party but when its PJ that drives its 5min. I put on my seatbelt an lean back as PJ starts the car.

~le time skip~

Once we got there there were cars on he garden in the garage and basically the whole neighborhood. Holy shit this place was packed as fuck.
I was kinda nervous so many people attended.
But I got over it and before I know it im already inside music blasting loudly. People making out in random places.
The smell of cigarettes and alcohol reach my nose.
There were people dancing to the music and then there's always that group in the corner the quiet ones that didn't want to attend.
Those were mostly the nerdy ones.
But one of them caught my eye.
He was taller than the rest of them. His jet black hair fitted perfectly with his beautiful pale skin. And those eyes. It was like staring at the ocean. He was rather skinny. I couldn't help but think how perfect he was.
Oh shit he saw me.
That beautiful boy caught me staring at him and he just gave me a little wave nothin' much. I, was blushing madly.
Control yourself Daniel you're Straight, s-t-r-a-i-g-h-t not gay. you can't just go gay if you see a beautiful boy. That's ridiculous for fuck sakes!
The voice in my head was right. But every once in a while I looked back at the boy and sometimes caught him staring at me.
He would smile or look away. FUCK..I need to get my mind off him. I grabbed a beer and chugged it all I soon came to my 5th beer I was already feeling kinda drunk. I looked around me. And saw a blonde girl coming towards me of course me Being the manwhore I am I smirked and when she came near me I grabbed her hand and started dancing with her.
Hmm something feels wrong.
I look over to the mysterious boy who has a permanent frown plastered on his face. Did I do something wrong?. was it something else?. I walk away from the girl that was grinding on  me. I headed towards were the boy was only to see him making out with a dude. He's gay.

Phil POV

most of the party there was a guy that kept staring at me and I have to admit it.....he was handsome. Yes I was gay. And single.
I told my best friend Mark about the dude and his reaction was something along the lines of 'OMG REALLY HE'S SOOOOO HOT I WONDER HOW YOUR BABIES WILL LOOK LIKE???!!!'
I laugh at my friends randomness he was my only friend he would do ANYTHING for me and so would I.
Around 30min later I look up again to look at the guy only to see some blonde grinding against his crotch. Ew, she disgusted me.
I felt a frown form upon my lips. I guess he wasn't into me or wasn't gay also. I sigh and mark notices me bummed out.
"Awe phily whats wrong" he asked in soft voice.
I look at the boy with the girl still grinding on him.
"Hmm....oh! I know something that could get back at him for being a whore." Mark giggled. Oh no what was he up to now.
"And that is???" I ask.
He whispers softly into my ear. And I hesitate for a moment.
Before I gave in before I knew it his lips were against mine, moving in sync. I didn't feel anything no butterflies. No nothing.
I pulled away and saw that boy look at us before turning around and going back to the girl. (More like the slut)
The boy got what he deserved.

Dans POV

After I saw him make out with a guy he looked at me and I could notice in his eyes that he didn't really enjoy the kiss.
I was angry.
Wait why was I angry I'm straight not gay I shouldn't feel jealous over a guy!. Or was I straight. Has my life been a lie?..have I been gay all this time????. Yes. I was gay.I was gay.yes I the Dan Howell am gay.
I smirked I'm gay. I was going back to the girl before but realized she ain't worth it so I sat down on the couch. And looked at the guy every minute and every second.  He was perfect. After minutes his 'friend' left and he was all alone he was looking around nervously as if he was going to be raped or some shit.
My mind took over my body I didn't know what I was doing.
It took me seconds to realize I was walking towards to him.
He stared at me with wide eyes and played with his sleeves of his green sweatshirt.
"Um hello" I said loud enough for him to hear over the loud ass music.
"H-hi" he said biting his lip. From what I could tell he was blushing.....a lot!.
"So...whats your name?" He looked at me with those blue eyes of his. "Phil....Phil Lester." He replied. I offered my hand "hello Phil..I'm Dan Howell." He shook my hand. We stayed quiet for a second. Then out of the blue I had to fucking ask "are you gay?"
His eyes started to water as he started shaking and backing up against the wall. "Please Don't hurt me" he replied with a shaky breath I shook my head "I'm not here to hurt here to know you." He smiled that smile made my day 100x better.
He was beautiful.

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