Long time no see. I apologise for my lack of anything on here, I just haven't really had any motivation to do anything really, but my girl's in India, and I fucking miss her so much like jesus I'm going crazy, so I need a distraction and writing a sappy Larry one-shot is the best answer, so here's one-shot #5 and it's based on Harry's hair, because who doesn't love them some styles curls?
Love you all,
ok i'm out,
Rosie xxx
It was the bun.
The way it sat messily on top of that perfect head, little curls springing free and crawling down that smooth skin at the back of his neck. He couldn't help himself, he knew it was so wrong to stare, knew it was wrong to be thinking about someone all day long, but he just couldn't help himself. It was the damn hair.
You could say Louis Tomlinson was obsessed.
"If you keep pulling that face, it'll stay like that" Louis' best friend, Lily said smirking at the boy who was staring, mouth open like a fish at Harry Styles.
Louis turned and scowled at the rainbow haired girl, his blue eyes narrowing before turning soft again when he turned back to where he was previously looking. "I can't help it. I mean look at him, he's perfect, his face, his clothes, his laugh, his everything, oh my god" Louis groaned and tried to ignore the stinging sensation he felt when he saw Harry laugh at something his co-worker said.
"Lou, you've never even talked to the bloke" Lily huffed; shaking her head disapprovingly, though the ghost of a smile lingered on her lips. "You can't possibly know he's perfect"
Louis just snorted at her words and continued to watch the young boy who stood behind the counter at the ice-cream shop situated right in the centre of the plaza. It was true though, sadly, Louis had never actually had any communication with Harry, he only admired him from afar, as he had been doing for six months since he first saw that damn curly haired distraction at the plaza and read the small name tag that had Harry written in loopy handwriting. He was hooked ever since.
Louis knew it was weird to like someone you'd never actually spoken to, but he just felt such a strong attraction to the boy ever since he first saw him and he just slowly began to become so attached to the tall boy. It was shame that he was a gutless little shit that Harry didn't even know.
"Right, well, as fun as it has been stalking your obsession for the afternoon, I'm going to see a movie with Niall" Lily said, standing up and smiling at the thought of her blonde haired boyfriend. "Bye Lou-Lou"
"Oh yeah that's cool just leave me here alone whilst you have sex in the movies with your boyfriend" Louis huffed, but he was smiling and hugged the girl, watching as she blew him a kiss and walked towards the movies.
And then there was one.
Louis sighed and shifted his gaze back to the ice-cream parlour, feeling an ache in his chest as he watched harry tie his long curls back into a bun.
That Goddamn hair, Louis thought as he stood and left, not wanting to continue looking at the beautiful boy who didn't even know he existed.
Harry could feel eyes on him and he smiled, knowing it was the beautiful boy who came everyday to sit across from the parlour.
Most people would be creeped out if they knew someone was watching them everyday, and to be honest, at first, Harry was, but then he heard that voice and he suddenly didn't mind the audience.
"Your boy's here Harry" Liam, Harry's friend and co-worker said, smirking as the green eyed boy flushed slightly.
"I know" Harry mumbled. "He always is" and that smile made Liam laugh at his curly haired friend who just rolled his eyes and pretended to count the money in the till as he peeked up at the small boy outside.
"Jesus H, just talk to him for gods sakes, it's been months, just man up" Liam groaned when he saw Harry's actions. "He's clearly obsessed with you, it's not like he'll ignore you"
"No way Liam, I mean I don't even know his name, and he's always with that girl and they're probably together I should just leave it yanno" Harry spoke, but he knew he didn't believe him own words, he'd seen the girl with the crazy hair kiss a blonde boy before, with the other boy there, so he seriously doubted that they were together. Plus, he looked gay.
Liam just groaned and walked into the storeroom away from Harry.
The green eyed boy took a quick peek at the beautiful boy outside and felt his heart leap to his throat when he caught a pair of bright blue eyes looking at him, eyes that widened in worry, but didn't look away. And Harry smiled.
Right Harry you can do this, Harry spoke to himself, just go and say hi
Outside Louis was having an internal panic attack as he maintained eye contact with Harry, his mouth dry and his palms sweaty. This had never happened before, and he was freaking out without a clue as what to do. And then Harry was moving towards him, untying his long hair as he went before he stopped in front of Louis.
"Hi" a deep voice spoke, and Louis did what any reasonable person would do.
He passed out.
Harry's eyes widened in panic as he stepped forward to grab the boy and hold him in his seat. Did that seriously just happen?
Harry's breath caught in his throat as he held the boy, pushing a single strand of feathery brown hair out of his face and carefully studying his delicate features. He really was beautiful. Harry stared at the boys face and wondered if it would look more beautiful if he could see those eyes, and when Louis' eyes snapped back open, he decided that yes, it was more beautiful when he was staring into a pair of shocked blue eyes.
"Are you okay, love?" Harry spoke slowly to Louis, who was looking like he might just pass out - again.
"I-I um, what?" Louis stuttered and Harry felt his heart jump and the high pitched soft voice. "I mean yeah, I'm um I'm - I'm Louis"
And Harry laughed fondly at the small boy, who blushed and smiled and the gorgeous sound.
"Good to know, I'm Harry" the tall boy spoke, and ever so gently stood up, pulling Louis with him. "I've seen you out here, I um, I didn't know I'd make you pass out"
Louis felt from the base of his neck to the tips of his ears flame with heat and he shyly looked at his feet. "I didn't mean to creep you out" he sighed. "I just you're pretty. Wait no - not pretty, you're beautiful and you're hair is like perfect and I really like curls I mean I just...yeah"
Harry smiled fondly and shook his head. "I'm not creeped out. I like your staring, and I'm glad I came and spoke to you. Now I can put a name to your beautiful face"
And Louis blushed. Again.
One year later
"I can't believe you passed out when we first met" Harry laughed at his boyfriend who was sitting in his lap on their shared couch, watching America's Next Top Model with wide eyes.
"Harryyyy" Louis whined, smacking the taller boys arm. "You promised we wouldn't bring that up"
Harry chuckled and cuddled Louis closer, "It's cute baby. You're cute"
"I love you, shit head" Louis huffed, but a smile lingered on his lips, a smile which Harry returned as he bent down to kiss his lips.
"And I love you, Lou-Lou"

Hair ~ Larry One-shot
Fanfiction"I call my girl, cause I got a problem, only a curl is gonna solve it" The one where Louis is obsessed with a certain someones curly locks.