Part 8

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Deception warship:

Soundwave stood silently in front of Megatron, waiting to be addressed. Starscream was currently whining to their Lord about Primus knows what. 

"-and that is why I need to be part of-" 

"Soundwave. You needed something?" Megatron interrupted. Starscream garbled but the warlord's attention had just turned elsewhere. 

Soundwave nodded and stepped up, filling the space Starscream had just occupied. The TIC pulled up a map on his visor and a red blip appeared. It was a new energon signature. They's found a mine, and from the looks of it, the largest one yet. 

Megatron's ruby optics lit up. "Excellent, Soundwave! Prepare a groundbridge immediately! I believe I will also accompany this mission."

Autobot base:

Skyrider was on her fourth painting for the day, one she would beg Optimus be hung on the wall high above the others. It was the largest painting she'd ever started. The paper itself was about three times the size of the others, it was thicker too. 

So far, she'd painted Optimus and Ratchet with the Prime's servo rested on there medic's shoulder, Bumblebee and Arcee standing back to back, Bulkhead and Smokescreen with their arms in the air, the humans on the ground posing like superheroes (even the loud, rude one was there). But that was only half the paper. The other half had a lean, indigo mech with violet biolights. Her Sire. But instead of a visor, he had a black face and bright purple optics, just like she remembered. Laserbeak (in her bird-like form) was perched on his shoulder, looking content as ever. Ravage was curled around herself, head resting on his powerful paws. She was finishing herself and Soundwave. 

She was going to be very proud of this painting. She smiled to herself. She felt Bumblebee try to look over her shoulder so she threw a large glob of purple paint at his face. He shrieked and stumbled back. He'd leave her alone now. 


"Optimus! I've got a reading!" Ratchet hollered. Optimus stepped into the room, "Really?" Ratchet nodded, excited.

"I think this is the largest energon mine yet to be discovered!" Ratchet took another look at the screen and frowned. Then he hissed. "It is literally right next to us!" Optimus leaned back. 

"We will have to go anyways, Ratchet. We could get a lot of energy before the Deceptions arrive. We will groundbridge just to be safe." 

Ratchet nodded, agreeing, but he still looked nervous. "Then why do I have a very bad feeling about this?"

Deception warship:

Soundwave had a very bad feeling. As he'd looked at coordinates again he'd started, realizing it was right next to the autobot base. Too close. Any small sound from inside would no doubt be heard outside. 

That was bad. 

But they had to go on. 

Megatron had planned on taking the whole Nemesis to gather the most energon. As they neared the clearing. He could see the base from where he stood by the groundbridge. 

"Alright! Let's go, mechs!" Starscream shrieked to the assembled mechs. The groundbridge swirled and rumbled to life. Starscream was the first to step through and the others followed. Arachnid slipped in and Dreading followed, thinking they were sneaky. Soundwave let them go. Maybe a little bit of drama would distract Starscream and Megatron enough to not notice the base they're standing right next to. 

Megatron entered the bridge next and Soundwave went behind him, closing the bridge. 

Autobot base:

Skyrider watched Bumblebee, Arcee, Bulkhead, Smokescreen, and Optimus go through the groundbridge even though she could hear them outside as they emerged. Weird.

She felt strong servos pick her up and hold her to a warm chest. Skyrider clutched the finished painting to her own chest, she wouldn't let anyone see it until everyone was present.

"They'll be okay." Ratchet said to her, even though she felt he was saying it to himself. She could hear the medic's spark beat fast and wild. He was afraid and nervous. She cooed and snuggled up close to him. She tapped her song on his chest. She heard his spark calm slightly. "Yeah," Ratchet told himself, "I'm thinking foolishly. They'll be fine." 


Ratchet was sitting on a stack of crates, Skyrider tapping against his chest and cooing to herself, perfectly content. Until, a comm from Bulkhead came in.

"Ratchet, come in! We need you out here! Bumblebee is down and Arcee was shot, and Optimus is one against like thirty!" 

Ratchet bolted out of his calm state and stood. He quickly made it to his quarters and set Skyrider down in her crib. "Don't move."

He rushed out to the control room and flipped on the groundbridge,  remembering to grab the manual remote before leaving. This was more serious than he feared.

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