Chapter Two

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Chapter Two

Rachel's POV 

Wow, wow, wow.

Hold up.

There's actually another vampire.


In Arizona?

I've never incountered one...

What am I suppose to do? Just ignore it? Im sure that the vampire has noticed me.

Is it a girl or a boy?

I don't even know!

Focus Rachel!

Take a deep breath and look around...

I did just that, but I still wasn't sure. I looked up to see a cute new guy going up there to introduce himself.

The scent seemes to be coming off of him....


"Hello, Im Parker Voltrev and I just moved here from Denver. I like to go hunting." Hunting, nice cover. Good thinking leaving the part aboout sucking your preys blood out...

I knew It was him. He smelled just like us. When he walked pass me, it just reasured me. 

He smelled really sweet, yet dangerous. He had a woodsy smell that kind of reminded me of pine cones.

Soon I found meself being addicted to his scent.

I just couldn't get enough of it, no matter how much-

"Rachel, Could you lease come up here and introduce yourself?" The teacher asked, cutting me off from my thoughts.

You just introduced me....

I got up and just said the same thing that I had said in math.

Quickly I sat back down and focused on Parker's scent.

Why is it so addicting? My 'family's scent doesn't eve come close to his!

I could last hours just sniffing the air.

I just hope that it desn't turn into a problem...

I wonder what he thinks of me...

Surely he must of noticed.

A vampire's scent is much stronger than a humans.

Im pretty sure that its hard to miss, since I am the only other vampire in here. The only reason that he wouldn't of noticed is if he was holding his breath or something.

Why would he even do that?

I sat there until the bell rang.

I made my way to science.

Parker was also in that class.

So was Megan, but she noticed how deep in thought I was, so she didn't bother in trying to spark up a conversation.

Neather did I.

I hardly even gave her a second glace.

I saw the new guy glancing at me a clouple of times, so he must of noticed me some what, eve if it's just a bit...

This time, I volenteered to introduce myself first, just wanting to get it over with.

Again, I said my name and the sketching part.

People that had been with me since period one were giving me bored looks.

Oh well.

You can't please everyone.

Quickly I went to the back and took my seat.

Again, I zone out just thinking of him.

He had dirty blond hair and piercing dreen eyes. His hair had natural hazel highlights.

It really worked for him.

Vampire's can't really dye their hair. First of all it stinks and second of all it comes off easily.

But I can't help but wonder, 

Who is he?

Why did he come her in the first place?

Why Arizona?

Why now?

Most of all, does it by any chace have anything to do with me and my family?

I sure hope not...


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