Oscar AU

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A/N: Okay everybody hold on to your asses! This gonna be a long, dramatic and cliche imagine so buckle your seat belts and enjoy the ride.
See y'all on the flip side. ;)

I feel his strong arms wrapping around my waist while he plants a soft kiss on my temple, followed by another on my cheek. I know who it is. I smile turning around, still in his grasp, to face him. He's smiling down at me and take a moment to study his flawless features before placing my hands on either side of his face and place a sweet kiss on his lips.

"Well hello to you too." He chuckles, causing me to laugh at his remark. I had been dating Oscar for about five months, about one month after he moved into my town. I was captivated at first glance. I don't know what it was. I didn't realize it until it was too late. I'd fallen for him, everything about him I adored. Maybe it was his flawless complexion and the way that his eyes always held the slightest tone of mystery. Maybe it was the way that he'd looked at me like I was a piece of art. either way, It was a blessing to call him mine. Oscar loosens his grip around me, letting me go and I turn around to close my locker. When I turn around I see him staring. I'm not sure what the look is, or what it means. He just does it sometimes, and I don't think much of it.

"What?" I ask, blushing and smiling at him, snapping him out of it.

"Uh, nothing," he stutters, taking my hand into his, "I have a question." I nod my head, looking at his face that had somehow hardened and gone stone cold. I study him, all of a sudden worried.

"What's wrong?" I ask, looking straight into his deep blue eyes.

"Nothing's wrong. I just," he stops to take a break before speaking out his next words, "I want you to come to my place tonight." I cock my head to the side, smiling. I'd never been to Oscars house before, hell, he'd never even talked about his family with me.

"Of course I will." I tell him, earning myself a small smile on his behalf, thought the overall expression of his face doesn't change.

"Good, I'll pick you up tonight then." He says, wrapping his arms around my waist and kissing me on the lips quickly before walking away.


Oscar arrives at my house at about five, coming to the door and I greet him at the door. He places a quick kiss on my cheek as he takes my hand and leads me out to his car where he opens the passenger door for me before walking around to the drivers side. As he drives he keeps one of his cold hands just above my knee while the other is kept on the steering wheel. I don't know what to expect, I've tried asking Oscar about his family, but he always brushed the subject off.

We pull into the driveway of a large home, only slightly on the outskirts of town. Oscar turns off the ignition, leaving us both sitting in the dark for a few seconds.

"Oscar, what's wrong?" I watch as his jaw clenches and keeps staring straight ahead. I reach my right hand to touch his right arm, "Oscar." He tightens his grip on the gear shift and real eases it before relaxing.

"Nothing, lets just go." He says, opening his car door and I do the same.  Walking up to the door, Oscar doesn't hesitate to quickly take my hand as he guides me up the few steps of the porch and his grip tightens as he opens the door and we walk into the dimly lit house. He closes the door behind us, helping me fake off my coat as his follows shortly after.

"Follow me." He simply says, taking my hand and leading me into what I'd assume is the living room. The walls are painted a dirty beige colour, the leather furniture a warm burgundy. He sits me down on the dark purple couch, sitting down next to me, taking my face into both his hands and kissing me, heavily, yet filled with passion.

"I have to tell you something," he says, breaking the kiss and looking as deeply as he possibly could into my eyes, "but you have to hold on a second, I'll be right back." There's something different about Oscar. I can't tell what it is, but he seems strange, darker almost. But I nod my head anyways and he gets up and begins to walk away, only turning for a second to face me again.

"And Y/N," I look up at him, "I love you." I smile, looking down at my hands again.

"I love you too." I say back, blushing ever so slightly.

I look around the room as I sit alone. It's old and antique looking, yet somehow beautiful. I can't speak for his family, considering I still haven't met them, but it suits Oscar.

"Oh, so you're Oscars new blood bag." I hear from behind me, I turn to see a girl, looking to be around my age. She is small, thin, pretty. Yet she has a tinge of fierce behind her eyes. Her long, jet black hair falls perfectly, framing the flawless complexion of her warm skin.

Slowly, she walks over to me, taking a strand of my hair and studying it before letting it fall between her nimble fingers. "Huh," she says, walking around so she's standing in front of me, "you're prettier than the rest." The rest? I think to myself, intimidated. What does she mean Blood bag?

"Who are you?" I ask, she tilts her head, smirking and giving a quick laugh.

"Just a friend..." She trails off. I begin to become more and more uncomfortable and I shift in my spot.

"You're afraid," she giggles, still pacing around the dim living room, "cute."

"Claws in princess," I hear another low voice come from behind me. The accent is similar to Oscars, though not as warm sounding. I feel my breathing become heavy as he enters the room and approaches the girl, wrapping his arms around her from behind and kissing her on the cheek. "she's not ours to play with." Play with? The discomfort begins to turn into fear as I sit across the room from them.

"But Olly listen, do you hear that?" She asks, looking up at him. "She's scared." He chuckles at her remark, kissing the top of her head before looking that me.

"I can hear your blood rushing," he says as she laughs. He opens his mouth to speak again before a familiar voice interrupts.

"What the hell is going on." He yells, coming back down the stairs from which he came and I don't hesitate to jump off of the couch and run into his embrace. He warm, salty tears begin o fall down my face and onto Oscars teeshirt while his one arm wraps around my waist and the other gently strokes my hair. "Would you two get the hell out of here?" He yells, still holding me. I listen as their footprints fade until they completely disappear.

Moments pass before I push away gently, hand still planted on his chest. "Oscar what's going on." He places his cold hand gently into my cheek, using a thumb to brush away a tear flowing down the trail created by the others.

"Come sit down." Is all he says. He sits down first, taking my right hand in both of his as I do the same.

"She called me a blood bag," I tell him between my teeth, "Oscar, what does that mean?"

"It means she thinks I'm only using you to feed." The anger pierces through his voice.

"Feed?" He says nothing as I stare at him, waiting for answers. But he stays silent. Instead, he lifts his upper lip, revealing an abnormally long canine tooth that I'd never noticed before. My breath begins to shake as I can feel my heart beginning to race again.

"Y/N, don't be scared." The comment only makes me more fearful. "Y/N, please I don't want you to fear me."

"I'm just your blood bag, aren't I?" Oscar shakes his head.

"No, you're not." I look at him, still in disbelief.

"Prove it." Is all I say, my breath still shaking as I form my words. He stares into my eyes, hypnotically almost. He kisses me gently on the cheek, then down to my jaw and once on the neck before I feel his tongue trace over my skin. In an instant I can feel a piercing pain through my neck and down to my shoulder. The sensation is replaced, though withe a different feeling, euphoria. He gently presses me back, and I lay my back against the cold leather of the couch. Head tilted back and arms tightly grasping Oscars thick torso. I gently moan as he pulls away, still on top of me, I watch him as he takes his long sleeve, wiping the red liquid off of his face.

"Do you believe me now?" He asks, kissing me gently. The metallic taste of blood still tinges his lips. "If you were just a blood bag, I would've just killed you." He whispers, before lowering his head to kiss me once more.

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