Chapter 11

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Spencer's pov
When I wake up I feel around me and don't feel Toby and open my eyes and see a note on my desk I get up and pick it up its from Toby saying he had to go and stuff. I decide to call him and it rings and rings but he doesn't pick up I hear the beep and leave him a voicemail "hey tobes I just wanted to call and tell you I miss you.... I'm just wondering when you'll be coming back.. So yeah bye." I hang up and get out of bed and go into the bathroom, wash my face and go downstairs I look for food but I'm not that hungry so I just stand in the kitchen. I hear my phone ring and run up the stairs and see Toby's name on my screen but he just sent a text say "sorry I can't talk right now I'm not sure when I'll be able to come over" I replied asking if we could text and he replied yes. I sighed and ask what he was doing and we just kept the conversation going. 


Toby's pov
Spencer called and I listened to her voicemail and texted her saying I couldn't talk and stuff. I sigh and lay in bed texting Spencer and thinking about her too. I can't be with her she need to be strong without me I can't fall for someone again the last time it happened it wasn't good it can't happen again I love spencer but I want to keep us being friends because what if something bad happens and we break up I don't want that to happen I want to keep her in my life. I don't want anything bad to happen to her, she needs to go on without me because I won't always be around I can't get too close to her either I might get too scared of losing her and run away I always do that it's a bad habit but sometimes it's what I need to do. I need to keep my distance from her even if I don't want to, I definitely don't want her to find out what happened before.


Spencer's pov
While texting Toby it kind of felt weird like we've never talked before..... It's a weird feeling I can't really explain there's like a tension between us. While we text we just drag the conversation along, eventually I go to sleep and drown myself in a dreamless sleep.


I woke up in the morning by my alarm clock blasting in my ears and realize it's time to go to school I really don't want to go but I get ready anyway. I get ready and wear a long sleeve sweater and leggings I wrap my arms in bandaids just in case they might bleed again. I check my phone and there's nothing from Toby, the girls have been blowing up my phone but I don't feel like dealing with Alison anymore right now.  I take a deep breath before leaving my house and driving to school.


Toby's pov
I leave to go to school and when I get there I try my best not to find Spencer because she might want to come make plans and stuff and I can't get attached I need to stay away from her it's for the best I tell myself but I don't believe it I want to be around her I miss her so much even though we saw each barely twenty four hours ago. Right when I get into school I walk straight to my locker and try to avoid seeing anyone especially Spencer, I look and see her walking towards me looking very angry.

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