So for my birthday (about 2 months ago) I got an iPod touch. And so far, it's a good product, but honestly it's not good enough for it's price. Really, I'd price it at somewhere between maybe $60 to $100.
The internet on it is really just a joke. Most of the websites you can get apps for, but I share an account with my mom and I don't want to always be going to her downloading apps for every freakin' website. I esspecially don't want to ask her to download the Tumblr app because I considered it and found out it says something about content not appropriate for under 18. And my mom dosen't nessessarily know about Tumblr. And I don't want to waste all my storage on apps I don't need.
The reason I say the internet is kind of crappy is I tryed writing this rant on my iPod last night, but Wattpad isn't easy to operate on there. You can't get anywhere except the home page because if you zoom in, the top bar thing won't move over with the rest of the page. And then if you figure out how to get to where you can write something, if you hit the "Discover" thing and it drops down, you can't get it off your screen.
Then Tumblr. You can't get to any like tags unless you accually type in "" That really irritates me. I don't want to have to type that much on that stupid tiny keyboard!
I will point out though, I have serious issues with technology. I can do the easy stuff, but that's about it.
Now I'm really irritated though because I tryed listening to music out loud without headphones, and it just stopped playing after a while. Like that's stupid. If I'm going to buy some stupid, foriegn, extremly over-priced thing, I want it to accually work!
Now that I look back on it, do you know how many freakin' arrows I could've gotten for the same price as this thing? It's about $50 for 6 arrows that are fletched and have tips, iPod costs about $300, I could've gotten like 36 arrows! 36 arrows! That would've lasted me forever (and by forever I mean probably about 2 years..I go through arrows fast...).
It does have nice sound and I like the set up for music and I probably wouldn't sell it, but still. If I'm going to pay $300 it should work a little better.