Chapter 42

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Arnav stood there frozen. Seven years. He hated Khushi for seven years without even knowing the whole truth. He hated the only girl who ever loved him without any other motive. Armaan was her brother for God's sake!! He should have at least given her a chance to explain. Arnav felt so guilty that he left as soon as the doctor arrived and confirmed that Khushi was fine. He couldn't face Khushi. Not yet. He knew that she won't forgive him easily. Maybe never but that didn't mean he wouldn't try. That night Arnav cried for the first time. 

'Just like before. The question was roaming around in Rishab's head. 

Rishab: I am asking you something Madhu!!

Madhu just hummed in response which irked Rishab.

Rishab: Answer me the damn question Madhu!!

Madhu: Stop here.

Rishab: (Surprised) What?

Madhu: My home's here.

Rishab turned around and realized that they were indeed outside Madhu's home. Before he could say anything Madhu was already out of the car. A raged Rishab stepped out of the car. He was fed up with all this cat-and-mouse chase. He grabbed Madhu's hand from behind and pulled her towards him and Madhu slammed forward toward him. She was a little frightened of the look on Rishab's face. He was looking calm but that dark look in his eyes was scaring her to no end. 

Rishab: What happened in the past Madhu?

Madhu was looking anywhere but at him. She was testing Rishab's patience inch by inch. He tightened his hold on her arm and Madhu whimpered. She was sure that there will be a bruise by tomorrow morning. 

Madhu: Don't act like you don't know. You cheated!!! Alright? I saw you with Dipali on the night of the Annual day. I knew that a girl like me could never be with a boy like you but didn't have to rub that in my face. I must say that you are a born actor. Not even for a single second did you let me realize that all of that was a facade. I-I thought I meant something to you. I am sorry I took your charity as love!! And now you're doing the same with Khushi. But don't think that I'll let you break her heart like mine. I was once naive Rishab Kundra but not anymore. No matter what Khushi thinks, I will never let her date you. 

Rishab was stunned by the sudden revelation. Annual day? He racked his brain but he couldn't remember cheating on Madhu. He remembered that he was very upset that day due to some shocking truth. He tried to explain himself to Madhu but failed. He was sure that he was currently looking like a goldfish but that was the least bit of his concern right now. But before he could say something the front door to Madhu's house opened and out stepped her father.

Shamsher Malik: Madhu? Rishab? What's going on?

Madhu was shocked and embarrassed. The look on her father's face was clear to her. He had just seen his daughter with a guy right outside his house. She glanced at Rishab and found a hard look on his face with his jaw clenching.

Rishab: Shamsher Malik.

Rishab muttered under his breath but Madhu heard him. She was shocked at the venom dripping in his voice. He said her father's name as if it left a weird taste in his mouth. She wondered whether his behavior with her dad seven years back was a sham too.

Madhu: How dare you talk to my father like that. He's your elder Rishab. For God's sake pay him some respect!!! 

Rishab: I will never ever respect my parent's murderer.

And with that, he left with a shocked Madhu and guilty Shamsher Malik behind.

Khushi woke up and felt as if someone banged her head on the wall. She looked around and saw a worried Madhu sitting beside her and staring into space. She quietly tried to get up and that got Madhu's attention. She quickly moved behind her and helped her up.

Madhu: How are feeling?

Khushi: Better.

Madhu could sense Khushi's distress but decided to give her some time and space.

Khushi: H-How did I get here?

Madhu: Arnav dropped you home.

Khushi's face paled at the mention of Arnav's name and Madhu instantly knew that something was wrong between both them. Khushi tried to block Arnav's hurtful words but failed. Finally, she hugged Madhu and broke down. Madhu silently rubbed her back and both of them shared their feelings without actually talking. A little later Khushi fell asleep. The doctor had told them about it as the medicine's side effect beforehand. Madhu put a blanket on Khushi and quietly sneaked out of the room. She took a deep breath and turned toward her father's room determined.

Rishab entered Arnav's room. Arnav somehow always managed to cheer him up. His old man yet philosophical talks always helped him. And he needed such help right now. He was in love with a girl whose father killed his parents. He hated that man as much as he loved his daughter. He found Arnav's usually well-lit room to be empty, his usually clean room to be in a mess as if a tornado went right through it and a usually workaholic Arnav was sobbing in the corner. 

Rishab: (Shocked) Arnav?

Arnav turned towards him but stayed silent. Rishab carefully stepped over the broken pieces of glass and sat beside Arnav.

Rishab: I won't ask you anything cause I know it's about Khushi. I am not dating her Arnav. She's like a sister to me. If there's one person that's right for her, then it's you. I don't know what happened seven years back but please give life a chance Arnav. The jealousy that you felt today is only because you love her. Go back and mend things, because that's the only way. And do it before it's too late.

Arnav: It's already too late Rishab.

Madhu was standing in front of her father and he was constantly trying to avoid her gaze. Her father knew that his daughter won't step out of the room without an answer. With a heavy heart and hung head, he nodded his head.

Shamsher Malik: Yes, I am responsible for Mohan and Radha Kundra's death.

And with that Madhu's world came crumbling down.

PS: It's more of a filler chapter. But a crucial one.

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