So far, you think that the staying at Cry's house thing is going pretty well.
Cry quickly came back with a tray that had a cup of hot chocolate and some cookies. Cry set the tray on the coffee table that was in front of the couch that you were sitting on.
Cry looked up at you and smiled under his clear white mask "Here, it's for you." Cry whispered happily.
You smiled and gently took a cookie and the cup of hot chocolate. Cry sort of saw that you were shivering so he got up and went down the hallway to get a nice fleecy blanket. Once he had gotten the blanket, he came back and wrapped it around you then say next to you and wrapped his own arms around you. You blushed a light shade of pink.
As you were eating your cookie, you asked Cry "Cry?" Cry chuckled and said "You can call me Ryan if you'd like." You nodded and continued "Okay, Ryan?" Cry answered "Yes ____?" You continued "Well, where are you sleeping tonight?" Cry immediately answered "Well, I do have a big bed so I can share it with you." You gave a smile.
Soon, it began to become very dark out, Cry noticed and said to you "It's getting a bit dark out." The moment you heard him you replied with a yawn and slowly closed your eyes, Cry chuckled and picked you up bridal style and headed towards his bedroom.
When he reached his bedroom, Cry tucked you into bed and he crawled into the bed with you.
"Goodnight..." Cry whispered as you started to drift to sleep.
Authors note: D'awwwww, I'm very sorry for shortness because I was rushing through and you know what? Right when I wrote hot chocolate and cookies, my sister gave me a cookie XD anyway, bahhi! *Brofist*

Cry x Reader
FanfictionOne evening, you were walking down a sidewalk and accidentally bumped in to someone, the person who you bumped into really surprised you...