The Sass Master
Zayn's P.O.V
Des and Steph entered the house. Steph seemed to be bouncing up and down with news. Honestly, she seemed like she was about to explode.
"Did you guys know what happened?!" She started. Destiny covered Stephanie's mouth with her hand, which made it even more mysterious for us to know..
"Listen! So we were at Tesco and then. And then. Des bumped into that guy" she trailed off while I glanced at Destiny to see her cheeks turn into a crimson colour.. "So when she bumped into him.. She was staring at some stuff on the shelf and before even seeing him she was like 'Haven't I told you not to stare at your phone while walking?' And when she looked up she had this poker face.. HAHAHAHAA!!" Stephanie ended bursting out into a fit of giggles along with the others. I seemed to be grinning from ear to ear, knowing she thought of me. I turned to Des, who was now grabbing a cushion to hide her face from us..
"Aww, it's not that bad! Just take that away." Stephanie said as she settled from her 'laughing session'.. Destiny shook her head and we all started pulling the cushion away, each giving her a comment. "Aw! I can see that smile" Louis said smirking. "Fine" she huffed, throwing the cushion away from her pretty face. Uh-uh.. I meant Face. Just 'Face'.. Ugh.. These thoughts keep hunting me and I don't know whether to feel good or...?
*************************************"Bleh.Bleh.Bleh....Nahh Bleh.." Louis trailed off while switching from channel to the other.. "LOU. STOP!" Destiny snatched the remote out of his grasp "We need someone wise and smart to control the remote controller." She smirked. Louis frowned "Are you saying that I'm not wise and smart?" "Well, I haven't said that.. But if you'd like to understand it in that way.. I don't mind" Destiny smirked again causing Louis to come over to her.
He started tickling her quickly and they both ended up on the floor. She twisted her body and ended up on top of him. "Say 'my name is LEWIS and Destiny is the smartest, wisest person in the world'" She said, raising an eyebrow at Louis while tickling him. He stopped fighting and gazed up at her smirking.. "I don't like to Lie." We all started giggling at their attitude.
Louis ended up shrugging and not fighting her grasp. Destiny looked down at him with a confused look on her face.
But, before she could register why he stopped fighting, Louis flipped her over and turned Destiny along with him. He sat lightly on the small of her back and she started screaming! Right then, we all started giggling uncontrollably !
"I am going to keep tickling you until you say 'Louis is the Sass Master from Doncaster. The king above all and will always be smart'" Louis yelled. "NEVERR!" Destiny cried out. Oh my God, this girl just never gives up..
"Fine then" Louis said while continuing tickling her.. Destiny struggled but then screamed it out "Louis is the Sass Master from Doncaster. He is the king above all and will always be smart" she finally said.
They both stood up. Destiny was tearing up and laughing, mumbling "NOT" as if trying to deny that Louis is the king.. Louis obviously heard and turned to her frowning "What did you say there?" He asked. "Uh -Uh. I said you're the best boobear..." Destiny said stuttering rolling her eyes..
Destiny's P.O.V
We were all scattered around the living room laughing and joking around. It was quite funny! It's like the night never ended..
We sat there in silence. "How about we play something ?!" Stephanie squealed bouncing on the couch. "Oh God! What have you fed her Niall?" I said fighting a smile.."Umm, she just ate sugar." He said playing along.. "Well.. Haven't you known that kids aren't allowed to eat sugar a lot or else they're hyper?!" I chuckled with Niall. Steph hit my arm playfully "No guys I'm serious!.. How about a game?" She said looking around her at all of us. "Yeah. O'course.. But what game ?" Zayn asked looking at both Steph and I. "How 'bout.." She paused "Baby, Do You Love Me ?" We all turned toward her "HUH?!" "What's that?" "Explain the rules.." Everyone commented and she just put her hands up in the air gesturing for us to calm down..
Steph started explaining "We sit in a circle and make one person be 'it.' 'It' picks someone in the circle, sits on their lap, and says 'Baby, if you love me, smile.' The other person has to respond, 'I love you, baby, but I just can't smile!' If they crack a smile when they say it, they become 'it.' If they don't smile, the person in the center has to pick a new lap to sit on and try again." She finished elaborately and we all nodded in agreement.
Zayn's P.O.V
Honestly, the game sounded fun. But, what if Destiny was "it" ? I couldn't prevent a smile that always crept its way to my cheeks. Ugh.. It's just a game.
"Who's it?" I asked everyone generally. "Not me" I quickly said along with everyone. The last one was Stephanie, so I guess she is "it".
Yep. Steph is "it". She sat on Liam's lap and he seemed to stiffen up. "Baby, if you love me, smile." She said flashing a smile toward him. He directly answered before cracking a smile "I love you, baby, but I just can't smile!" She huffed and stood up trying Harry. He did. He smiled and became "it".
Harry stood up and went over to Destiny. He sat on her lap starting "Baby, if you love me, smile" Des tried replying but unfortunately failed. "Aw, those dimples" she held onto Harry's cheeks as she stood up. Why would she always act like that toward the others and when it comes to me.. It's nothing? As if I care ?! Right? Yeah, I do....
Destiny spun around scanning the room until her eyes landed on.... Me! She came over and sat on my lap. "Baby, if you love me, smile." She said grinning, exposing her dimples. "I love you, baby, but I just can't-" I cracked a smile. Ughh.. I was about to complete the sentence! She held my hand and helped me stand up in order for her to sit in my place.
The rest of the night was endless and funny and I think I even got used to having Des around.
It was midnight already! "Guys, we really should get going.." Stephanie blurted out looking at Des who was nodding in response. They both stood up and right when they were about to excuse themselves "why don't you guys crash here for tonight?" Liam suggested. "Yeah it's not safe to ride home that late!" Louis exclaimed. Destiny smirked "Yeah yeah right.. As if that would make us stay." "Well, tomorrow is the weekend.. So nothing would matter!" I said, begging them to stay.
Destiny's P.O.V
Steph and I were surrounded by 5 pairs of puppy dog eyes glued on us. I sighed nodding and glancing at the hanging clock.
"Hey dudes, pyjamas?" I asked yawning.. "I have a small sized shirt" Zayn raised his hand. I followed him to his room.. And. OhMyGod...
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Silent Moments
FanfictionDestiny left her parents back in Ireland and came to London to attend an expensive University... She spots a guy all familiar to her in a Festival.She's pretty sure that she knows him, except that, he's all covered in colours?! Destiny stands there...