Criminal Minds

275 30 9

Everyone judges me on my favorite Criminal Minds character because it IS Spencer Reid.

"You only like him for his looks"

No I don't.
That is wrong in more reasons then one.

I connect with him on an emotional level, I'm not a genius but I remember things.
Bad things.
Good things too but..

When you close your eyes most of you have dreams and nightmares.

I see real things, memories;

Bad memories.

My dead friend
And every single mistake I've made.

They compress themselves into my head.
Sometimes the migraines and headaches get so bad I feel like dying.

So no I don't like him because of his looks I like him because,

I know what it's like to be scared of your own mind.

Mr. Depression & The Existential Crisis Squad  Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin