Chapter 4

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Y/n's POV:

I got the full tour of the school, but I have a feeling I'll forget by the time Monday rolls around. I got my phone out and texted dad that I finished my tour, then I remembered that he trusted me to walk home. At least I remembered how to get home.

I walked out the front doors and headed down the front steps of the school. I looked at my phone to see no messages yet, so everyone else might be in school.

I felt a tap in my shoulder and I jumped from fear. I whipped around to see Ori-kun standing there, smiling. I smiled back.

"Really Ori-kun?" I asked him.

"I couldn't help it," He replied.

"What are you doing out here? It's like 2:30. You should still be in school."

"No, we get out about 2, but we can stay after school until 6, then they kick us out."

"Cool. In my school, we didn't get out till 3, and couldn't come back to school unless we had an after school activity or the parents had a meeting."

"That kind of sucks. We're just not able to go into the classrooms. Where are you heading now?"

"Well, I was gonna go home, but my dad is still working and I'm a little scared to walk in Tokyo by myself. My dad trusts me, but I'm still scared."

"That's normal." Ori-kun replied. "I'll walk you home, if that's ok with you."

Oh man, I thought should I?

Well, on one hand, I could get a nice walk home, soothing and peaceful. But, on the other hand, he could be... a Yandere.

Still think I'm over thinking things? Possibly me?

There was a story about a girl who got a walk with one of her school friends, but he then started stalking her, sending her things, making sure he never lost sight of her. Then, she went missing. People say it could've been a suicide from being stalked, but I think the boy took her hostage, then she either died there or he killed her.

I have this story and Walter as evidence to who I'm scared of Yanderes. They can be super frightening.

"No," I politely replied. "I'm alright now, but maybe another time, ok Ori-kun?"

Ori looked kind of shocked, but I wasn't sure why. Maybe he really wanted to get to know me, but I really didn't want to right now, I was a little sleepy.

"That's ok. Have a nice night y/n-chan." I walked down the sidewalk that lead up to the school. Ori was still standing there, but I didn't look at him. I continued all the way home, went inside and went to sleep early, since I wasn't hungry.


Ori's POV:

I was shocked. I can't belive y/n-senpai rejected my offer to walk her home. But, she did call me Ori-kun, twice. I got butterflies thinking about it.

Grell came outside and the butterflies faded. I was still mad at him. How long would this last? I started to think. How long will I stay mad at my best friend?

We walked home together, talking about normal things, but I asked him to do it in English, so I could improve my English.

"So," Grell said, changing our topic on who was the meanest teacher. "What do you think about y/n-chan?"

"Well, she seems nice. I hope she likes it here." I replied. Now I was getting angry on the inside.


No way man! Back off! You took it one step to far! I was starting to stop thinking about how you made y/n-senpai laugh, but now it's over...

Your chances have ended, Grell Tsusede...

"Hey man," I said. "Could you stop by my house really quick? I need to give you something."

"Alright," He replied.

Yes, taken the bait. Time to keep you from my senpai...

We got to my house and I let Grell inside. My mom and dad were gone, so I had the whole house to myself. Most people like the small apartment building rooms, but my parents like a house near the country side. And the best part...

No neighbors to hear his screams. No neighbors for miles...

I started to think what I would do to him. I took him up to my room and shut the door. He seemed a little weirded out when I shut the door.

"Why did you shut the door?" He asked.

"Cause I can, silly." I said, adding asked smile.

Grell smiled too, calming down a little. I grabbed a hair brush that I had on my dresser and went to my bathroom for a second. It wasn't really mine, it was my sister Maniku's, but she wasn't home either. She had her middle school band practice. The brush had a square shape where the bristles were and it was green, her favorite color.

To bad it may be ruened...

I walked over to a window that was above my toilet and smashed it with the brush, spreading glass everywhere. I thought my whole plan through, no flaws would be found.

I could hear Grell scream on the other side. I did too.

"Are you ok?" He yelled.

"Yes," I replied, sounding scared.

"What happened?"

"Someone broke in! They're in my closet!" My closet was very big and was connected to my bathroom.

"Open the door!" Grell yelled.

I opened the door and ran out it, leaving it open, but Grell didn't notice. Good...

"Where is he?" Grell asked.

"In the closet, but don't go after him. He has a knife. I barely got around him without a single scratch."

"Ok, at least your alright."

We were close to the bathroom door so I did my next step.

I grabbed Grell and smacked him upside the head super fast and hard with the brush while covering his mouth. I tossed him in the bathroom, him landing on the floor. I smacked him a few more times till I saw blood. I smiled.

This feels...good. I'm protecting y/n-senpai  from this evil man who would hurt her the first second he had with her.

I saw the blood leek from the side of his head where I hit him. It was a beautiful red with the smell of metal in it.

I saw the life start to drain from Grell's eyes, but I had enough time to tell him what needed to be said.

"Never talk to y/n-senpai again. Well, you can't now, since your dead."

The blood flowed a little longer till there was a big pile of it next to his head. I smiled, then started to laugh. It was great...

Now nobody will touch n/n-senpai again...except me...

Her true senpai...

Yandere Male! X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now