Capital Naming

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"Ma'am! Ma'am! Excuse me!" calls a person in the crowd during an announcement. "Yes?" I call. "Ma'am, we need a name for the capital! We can't just call it 'The Capital!'" answers the man. "Of course... Oh my! I never even thought of that. Garroth, can you write that down?" He nods as he scribbles in a to-do notebook.

"Okay. Any ideas?" I ask the three guards later that night. Sophie barked. "Oh, baby. I can't understand you. Poor, poor sweetie..." Everyone is looking at me. "*Ahem!* Uh, any ideas?" I repeat. "What about Iowa?" Dante says. "That's some 'state' in another dimension called 'Earth' in 'The US of A,' whatever that is," Laurence comments. "How do you know that?" I ask. "I read a lot of random history," Laurence replied. "What about Deesha?" Laurence adds. "Or Deela!" Garroth pipes up. "OR RUDOLPH!" Dante yells. "Whaaaaa...?" I say. "It's a name of a reindeer in that other dimension 'Earth.'" I blink. "People name reindeers? Oh whatever! Back to business.

"What about... Season? Ember? ............. Runnswurrth?" I say. "I kind of like Runnswurth. 2 n's. 1 u," Laurence adds. I write 'Runnswurth' down. "A few more." We get down 'Cosway,' 'Hemmington,' and 'Kolosal.'

"Okay. Runnswurth." Two hands. "Cosway." One hand. "Hemmington." One hand. "Kolosal." Zero hands. "RUNNSWURTH!" I yell. The capital of the Forged Alliance now has a name: Runnswurth.

We continue settling into Runnswurth as the week goes on. "'Runnswurth is turning out lovely. Pretty flowers have been added thanks to a girl named Cadenza, Sophie likes it here, and people are really nice. I met a Jane Sampson earlier. She's a merchant who deals with clothing and cloth. I bought a lovely yellow dress from her. Well, I had better sleep before I fall over and leave ink on my nightgown. I shut the cover on my notebook and crawl into bed. The room I have set up is nice and cozy. I like it in Runnswurth. I feel Sophie curl up at my feet as I fall asleep.  

I wake up the next morning feeling terrible. "Ugh. Sophie, I must be sick." My voice sounds different. Definitely sick. I sit up and open the curtains. Ah, Runnswurth. So nice. It's 7:40 and people are up and running around. I heard that's a few businesses were opening tomorrow. That's good.

I write in my notebook for a bit. "'I woke up not feeling too well, so I'll write for a moment. I pushed aside my curtain to see that people are already at work at 7:40. Businesses are opening tomorrow, and I'm excited."' "Sarah?" I hear. "Oh, hey Garroth," I say. "Are you sick? You're usually up by 7." I nod.

"Well, are you going to stay up here for a while?" he asks. "I guess so," I say. I sit on the edge of my bed and tug at my nightdress. "Should I go?" he asks. I nod. "I'm taking a nap."

I wake up 4 hours later. "Sophie, I slept forever!" The little dog barks and jumps around my room, wanting to go out. "Oh, fine. But not too long. I don't feel well." I take Sophie out of the capital without a leash, since she's well behaved. We walk through the garden and around to the houses. People have painted them different colors. I see white, grey, brown, and tan. Even a nice... PINK?! Oh that's right. Kuwaiti-Chan. If you ever need her, just look for a pink house. I chuckle.

Sophie runs ahead, carefully avoiding people on the streets. We start to head back to the capital building when I hear a voice. "Miss?" I look behind me and see a girl with blue hair and a nice guard outfit on. "You dropped this." She hands me my wallet. "Oh my gosh! Oh, thank you!" I say. She smiles. "By the way, since I don't believe we've met, I'm Katelyn the Firefist, Ex-Jury of Nine member." She holds out a hand and we shake. "Well, I'm Sarah, and I live at the capital. All of Phoenix Drop moved here, and I was the lord back there for a little while. I don't know who's directly in charge now..." I reply. "Well, I have to get home. I'll see you around," Katelyn says, walking past me into a small, red house. Red house, Katelyn.

Stopping here. I forgot to publish this yesterday, so sorry. I will probably do another thing today, too. I hope you enjoyed it as much as I enjoyed writing it.

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