"Ma'am! Ma'am! Excuse me!" calls a person in the crowd during an announcement. "Yes?" I call. "Ma'am, we need a name for the capital! We can't just call it 'The Capital!'" answers the man. "Of course... Oh my! I never even thought of that. Garroth, can you write that down?" He nods as he scribbles in a to-do notebook.
"Okay. Any ideas?" I ask the three guards later that night. Sophie barked. "Oh, baby. I can't understand you. Poor, poor sweetie..." Everyone is looking at me. "*Ahem!* Uh, any ideas?" I repeat. "What about Iowa?" Dante says. "That's some 'state' in another dimension called 'Earth' in 'The US of A,' whatever that is," Laurence comments. "How do you know that?" I ask. "I read a lot of random history," Laurence replied. "What about Deesha?" Laurence adds. "Or Deela!" Garroth pipes up. "OR RUDOLPH!" Dante yells. "Whaaaaa...?" I say. "It's a name of a reindeer in that other dimension 'Earth.'" I blink. "People name reindeers? Oh whatever! Back to business.
"What about... Season? Ember? ............. Runnswurrth?" I say. "I kind of like Runnswurth. 2 n's. 1 u," Laurence adds. I write 'Runnswurth' down. "A few more." We get down 'Cosway,' 'Hemmington,' and 'Kolosal.'
"Okay. Runnswurth." Two hands. "Cosway." One hand. "Hemmington." One hand. "Kolosal." Zero hands. "RUNNSWURTH!" I yell. The capital of the Forged Alliance now has a name: Runnswurth.
We continue settling into Runnswurth as the week goes on. "'Runnswurth is turning out lovely. Pretty flowers have been added thanks to a girl named Cadenza, Sophie likes it here, and people are really nice. I met a Jane Sampson earlier. She's a merchant who deals with clothing and cloth. I bought a lovely yellow dress from her. Well, I had better sleep before I fall over and leave ink on my nightgown. I shut the cover on my notebook and crawl into bed. The room I have set up is nice and cozy. I like it in Runnswurth. I feel Sophie curl up at my feet as I fall asleep.
I wake up the next morning feeling terrible. "Ugh. Sophie, I must be sick." My voice sounds different. Definitely sick. I sit up and open the curtains. Ah, Runnswurth. So nice. It's 7:40 and people are up and running around. I heard that's a few businesses were opening tomorrow. That's good.
I write in my notebook for a bit. "'I woke up not feeling too well, so I'll write for a moment. I pushed aside my curtain to see that people are already at work at 7:40. Businesses are opening tomorrow, and I'm excited."' "Sarah?" I hear. "Oh, hey Garroth," I say. "Are you sick? You're usually up by 7." I nod.
"Well, are you going to stay up here for a while?" he asks. "I guess so," I say. I sit on the edge of my bed and tug at my nightdress. "Should I go?" he asks. I nod. "I'm taking a nap."
I wake up 4 hours later. "Sophie, I slept forever!" The little dog barks and jumps around my room, wanting to go out. "Oh, fine. But not too long. I don't feel well." I take Sophie out of the capital without a leash, since she's well behaved. We walk through the garden and around to the houses. People have painted them different colors. I see white, grey, brown, and tan. Even a nice... PINK?! Oh that's right. Kuwaiti-Chan. If you ever need her, just look for a pink house. I chuckle.
Sophie runs ahead, carefully avoiding people on the streets. We start to head back to the capital building when I hear a voice. "Miss?" I look behind me and see a girl with blue hair and a nice guard outfit on. "You dropped this." She hands me my wallet. "Oh my gosh! Oh, thank you!" I say. She smiles. "By the way, since I don't believe we've met, I'm Katelyn the Firefist, Ex-Jury of Nine member." She holds out a hand and we shake. "Well, I'm Sarah, and I live at the capital. All of Phoenix Drop moved here, and I was the lord back there for a little while. I don't know who's directly in charge now..." I reply. "Well, I have to get home. I'll see you around," Katelyn says, walking past me into a small, red house. Red house, Katelyn.
Stopping here. I forgot to publish this yesterday, so sorry. I will probably do another thing today, too. I hope you enjoyed it as much as I enjoyed writing it.

The Diaries of a Runaway Princess (Minecraft Diaries)
Fanfiction"O'Khasis was attacked, Your Highness! As part of the alliance, we must send your daughter to be betrothed to the lord of Bright Port's son so that they stop the attacks!" I left because of that. I was going to be betrothed to Bright Port's lord's...