Drinking away my sorrows (Ch. 2)

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I bawled my eyes out as I drove to the nearest pub. I needed to forget everything, I need to be with people who were too drunk to pay attention to my tear stains. I parked my car in the parking lot of "The Fox & Hounds" I slammed my trucks door shut and stumbled my way into the small Holmes Chapel Pub, wiping my tears and trying not to be noticed by anyone. "What'll it be lassy?" The bartender asked me as I slumped in my seat. "Whatever you got that will take away my pain." I answered bluntly. The bartender looked at me with a blank stare for a moment, trying to think of the right words to say, I guess. But nothing He could say could make me happy again, I suppose the only thing that would  make me happy would be if Mrs. Michaels came and told me that she is sorry and does really like me. But... you and I both know that, that's not going to happen, not in the "fairy tale" at least.

The bartender, well Paul I guess since his name tag said PAUL in all caps, opened his mouth to speak, but before I heard his strong Irish accent once again I heard a lighthearted English accent. "She'll have a pint with me Paul." Said a tall fine man, who was a nice tan shade, he had a bit of facial hair a few tattoos scattered here and there on his arms. Honestly he wasn't hard on the eyes AT ALL, but I am not ready for a relationship right now.

"Oh.. uh.. I.. I'm.."  I tried to get my words out in the nicest, less awkward way. He shot me a grin and sat down beside me, making eye contact like a gentleman.

"I'm Liam, Liam Payne. May I ask, why  a lovely girl like you is sat here all alone with tear stains in her eyes?" He asked me with a warm smile, as Paul brought us our drinks.

"I'm Ch-Charlotte, Charlotte Richards. And I'm here be-because.. I just broke up with my 7 year boyfriend.." I said letting all my tears flow back out again. Liam opened his arms and motioned me to come to him. So I did, I flung myself into his arms and I cried, the hardest I have in a really, really long time.

"Oh, Charlotte, I'm so sorry! Do you want to talk about it?" He said rubbing my back.

I sniffled and slowly pulled away from the comfort of Liam's arms. Sitting back in my seat and beginning to chug down my pint of beer.

>An hour later <

"A- And that's why I am here telling you this story, while chugging down my third pint." I said turning a little rosey, because I was now on my fourth and he had just finished his second...

Liam smiled, as Paul brought me my fourth. "I know how you're feeling, love. I broke up with my two year girlfriend Sophia, and it was just awful. But look at my recovery! It's been a year and a half, sure it still hurts but I'm okay, I'm happy again." He smiled at me, giving me a pat on my back.

I raised my glass to him and gulped down the rest of my fourth, with a hiccup to finish. He laughed a cute laugh. "Yeah, you're not driving tonight Missy!" He patted my back as I replied with a straight face, "No it's Charlotte." He laughed and paid our bills, then helped me out of the small pub, in Holmes Chapel.

"B-but what about your car?" I said after he offered to drive me home in my car. "Ahh one of my mates can get it for me." He said with a wave of his hand.

He helped my in my truck and got in the drivers seat, ready to take me home. Home, where was my home? I just moved out of Uni and had all my things packed in the back of my vehicle  and ready to have an apartment with Cody... Well looks like I'm homeless. "Where to Charlotte?" He looked over at me with a smile. "I.. I have no home... Cody and I were gonna move in together, he was gonna propose and we.. we were gonna spend the rest of our lives together..." I said sniffling. "I'll take you to mine, you can sleep in  my room, and meet the guys!" He said putting my beautiful truck into gear, and turning on the radio.


I must have fallen asleep because I woke up and I was being carried in Liam's arms. "Well look who decided to wake up!" He said as three other gentlemen chuckled and came to Liam and I.

"C-can you set me down please, my head is sppiinnniinggg!" I asked rubbing my head. Liam sat me down, and I clung to him like a baby who was learning to walk. His friends got closer and one with beautiful brown curly hair and emerald green eyes grabbed my arm as I started to fall. "Easy there miss." He said with a sweet voice. "Again, it's Charlotte!" I said annoyed, and too drunk to realize what He meant by miss. He chuckled and helped me to the couch; sitting me down and plopping down beside me. "Do you want some water Charlotte?" He asked slowly getting up. "Yes, but please don't leave me!" I said grabbing his hand, "I.. I don't want to be left alone..." I said with a frown, while letting go of his hand.

"Of course I'll stay, my name's Harry, Harry Styles." He gave me a smile and sat back down beside me.

"It's very nice to meet you Harry, Harry Styles." We chuckled and a blonde young man with gorgeous  blue eyes came and handed me a glass of water.

"Thank you.. uh.." I turned to Harry and "whispered" "What's his name?" The blonde man bent down and whispered back, "it's Niall!" He winked and Harry shot him a rude glance.

I shrugged with a yawn. "S-so where's my sleeping quarters?" I asked nonchalantly, as a short brunette with a nice tan came and sat in a chair by me. "I'm Charlotte!" I said with a hiccup. The boys laughed as did I, and the short brunette replied with, "Louis, the Tommo Tomlinson!" I laughed and repeated his words, before shouting like an idiot. "Oi my head HURTS!" I said collapsing onto Harry's lap.

"Liam, where do you want Charlotte to sleep at?" Harry asked as he sat me up.

"She can go in my room mate." The room was instantly filled with "Ooo's!" But Liam wouldn't have it. He knew what I was going through and he wasn't going to let them do that. At least in front of me anyway.

"Shut the hell up!" He said with anger. The room was all silent, till my drunkenness took over and I burst out with an "OOOO!!" and a chuckle to follow. Liam rolled his eyes, and Harry picked me up and carried me to Liam's room.

"Here you are beautiful!" He opened His bedroom door and laid me gently on Liam's bed.

"Thank you Harry." I smiled at him softly as He looked down upon me.

"Do you want me to leave the door cracked open?" He asked as he walked towards the door.

"Yes, but.. c-can you sing me a song?" He smiled and sat on the bed.

"Hmm.. alright give me a minute to think of something." He thought and finally found the perfect song.

"I want to write you a song

One as beautiful as you are sweet
With just a hint of pain
For the feeling that I get when you are gone
I want to write you a song

I want to lend you my coat
One that's as soft as your cheek
So when the world is cold
You'll have a hiding place you can go
I want to lend you my coat

Oooh, everything I need I get from you
Oooh, givin' back is all I wanna do

I want to build you a boat
One as strong as you are free
So any time you think that your heart is gonna sink
You know it won't
I want to build you a boat

Oooh, everything I need I get from you
Oooh, givin' back is all I wanna do

Oooh, everything I need I get from you
Oooh, givin' back is all I wanna do

I want to write you a song
One to make your heart remember me
So any time I'm gone
You can listen to my voice and sing along
I want to write you a song
I want to write you a song"

I drifted to sleep, in a new world. And I saw him, his face was every where I looked, but I did not wake up, I was calm, He was calm. We were one. Cody was at peace, and so was I.


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