Rinny piggybacked me down the stairs and into the kitchen where everyone was eating breakfast. When we entered they all look towards us and smiles spread a mile across their faces. My mother came up to me and lightly hugged me after Rinny put me on the bar stool.
"It's good to see you up and feeling better Nimmy." Nalue said coming up to me and hugging me.
"I knew you would wake up sooner than expected my pumpkin. After all you are my daughter." My father said with a grin while giving me a quick kiss on the cheek.
"Thank you daddy." I said a little raspy with a smile and a hug. Which he gladly accepted.
Then I felt someone hug me from behind. But it wasn't Rinny. It was Jesse. He didn't say anything he just stood there and hugged me. I could tell from his aura that he was very worried about me and he is thankful and happy that Im okay. Well in a healthy way because Im obviously hurt physically.
"Don't you ever scare me like that again pixy." Jesse mumbled softly as he buried his head into my hair.
I could feel the tears on the back of my neck come off his cheeks. Jesse never cries like this unless it's if Im badly hurt. And it makes me want to cry especially sense he used my nickname given to me by him when I was five and said I was a pixy and not a fae because I always got the two confused.
"Im sorry Jess. I didn't mean to worry you. Or anyone." I croaked softly hugging him back.
Then he hugged me a little tighter and I whimpered from the pain. Thats when Rinny growled. And he took a little step forward but I stopped him.
"What was that?" My father said turning to face Rinny with a confused look on his face.
"What is this Nim? It looks like a...no...h-how...w-when?!" Jesse said moving my hair to the side a little.
'Jesse please don't panic please don't be mad at me big bro.' I said to him through a direct pack link to him sense he is also part werewolf.
'How could I be mad about this. Im happy for you! And I actually already know who it is. I've knew when it was when you were in middle school 8th grade right before your freshman year during the summer when the whole family went took a trip to florida to Disney as a early birthday gift for you.' Jesse said to me with a smile in his words.
Thats right. Right before school started up I was going to be a freshman at Redwood High School. As a early birthday present the whole family took me to Disney because I was only there once when I was a baby. Mother and Father decided to stay at the hotel on the last day of the vacation there and let my brothers and Rinny go to to Disney and Universal all by ourselves. I wanted to go on a roller coaster that was really fast, really high, lots of loops and twirls. They didn't go on it with me because they said I would chicken out and come back down and they would be waiting to tell me that they told me so. Boy did I prove them wrong! When I exited the exit of the ride some boy around my age at the time stopped me from heading to my brothers and Rinny.
Flash Back"Hey there." The boy said to me nicely with a smile.
"Hi." I said back nicely but quickly. Because I was searching for my brothers.
"Are you looking for someone?" He asked confused as he looked around as well.
"Yeah Im looking for my brothers. If you don't mind me asking have you seen a group of three guys standing by the entrance of this ride?" I asked kindly because I knew he meant no harm to come to me just by his aura.
"No sorry. I myself just got off the ride as well. I saw you looking around and I assumed you might be lost so I came over to see if I could help." He said shyly.
"Hahaha. Well aren't quite the gentlemen to help me." I laughed and he did to.
"If you tell me what they look like I can help you look faster." He said reassuringly. So I told him what they looked like.
We walked around to the ride's entrance to look for them but they weren't there. We couldn't see them at all.
"What if we never find them!" I started to cry because I was scared.
"We will find them don't worry. No need to cry." He said to me with a smile.
"Hey, sit right here on this bench and I will stand on the curb behind it to get a better look okay." He said to me while taking my hand and guiding me to the bench.
A little while later the boy hopped down and grabbed my hand and started walking me over to the food stands.
"What are we doing here?" I asked with a sniffle.
"Look over there." He said pointing to a group of two guys looking around for something.
"Nymph! Where are you!" I heard Jesse yell. I was so happy.
"Jesse! Jesse Im over here!" I said jumping up and down as the boy still held my hand.
Jesse and Nalue ran over to me and the boy with relief written all over their faces. I tugged the boy along with me by the hand as I ran up to them and hugged both of them.
"Well I can see that you have found your brothers so I will be going back to my family." The boy said happily and satisfied that I was safe.
"Wait!" I yelled to him. I ran up to him and hugged him.
"Thank you so much." I said over joyed.
"No proble-..." The boy was cut short when I felt myself being pulled away from the boy. But it wasn't a tug. It was gentle and kind.
"Nymph thank god your okay! I ran all over the park looking for you. I was so worried about you, don't ever scare me like that!" Rinny said hugging me tightly.
"It's okay Rinny. This boy here helped me find you guys! He is the one you should all be thanking." I said grabbing the boys hand and pushing him toward my brothers.
"It was nothing really. I was just doing something nice." He said kindly.
"Thank you for helping our sister find us." Jesse said to him. Shaking his hand.
"Thank you so much! For finding her!" Rinny said as he still hugged me.
Back To Present Time'After that I found it to be pretty obvious that it was Rinny the whole time.' Jesse said to me with a laugh through the pack link.
Sorry for this short chapter. I just wanted to keep it based around the title so all of you wouldn't get confused.
Thank you for another read. Feedback is always appreciated, share, like, and subscribe for more reads. Love you<3

The Last Of My Kind
FantasyNymph is the last of her kind. She is a Eliftynim ( el • lift • tee • nim ). A very powerful race from a myth. Except eleftynims are not myths, they are a hybrid race that is an elf, dryad, angel, mermaid, and fae. Nymph is a sophomore at Redwood H...