Chapter 8

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            A few days had passed since Screechshade's arrival, as well as the arrival of the rogues. MoonClan had been thriving since then. The camp was nearly rebuilt, and everything seemed to be going smoothly.

            Hazelstar awoke, finding Fire outside of her den.

            "What is it now?" she grumbled.

            "I only meant to ask if everyone has arrived," Fire spoke.

            Hazelstar thought for a moment. It seemed as if the entire clan were here. Something felt missing though. "I'm afraid not, Fire," she spoke at last. "My brother, Tigerstripe, is nowhere to be found, and Tooth's son, Fang, has not arrived."

            "Maybe we should patrol through the forest then?" Fire suggested.

            "I can patrol. You are much too busy to be patrolling," Hazelstar told him. "Send Ice with me."

            Fire froze. "Very well, Hazelstar," he said, running off.

            Hazelstar yawned, heading towards the center of the camp. Green-leaf was still going strong, but she knew leaf-fall would be approaching soon, and she knew she had to complete her plan by then.

            "Hazelstar, you want to patrol with me?" Ice's voice interfered with Hazelstar's thoughts. She turned, looking at the white she-cat, and nodded.

            "Let's go," Hazelstar said, beginning to exit the camp. Ice remained silent until they passed the group of rogues.

            "Why are we out here, exactly?" Ice asked.

            "To look for the remaining members. Tooth's son, Fang, is one of them, as well as my brother and that she-cat, Jetfur," Hazelstar explained.

            "Perhaps it would be best to wait," Ice suggested.

            Hazelstar hissed at the she-cat. "Waiting is not an option! We must attack as soon as possible!" she growled.

            "But what if they don't wish to come," Ice told her.

            Hazelstar froze. That could be the case. "Then, Moonstar will deal with them. We'll send cats out to find them somehow or other."

            "Whatever you say, Hazelstar," Ice sighed.

            Hazelstar continued walking, not speaking to Ice. She never liked the she-cat, and she had believed she was too soft, unlike her brother, Tooth. Perhaps she was just like her mother, Snowfeather.

            Snowfeather. Hazelstar could not forget the she-cat who had helped her escape. She felt as if she was betraying the she-cat.

            "Do you remember your mother, Ice?" Hazelstar asked.

            Ice hesitated, then nodded. "Yes, I remember what Moonstar did to her. Why do you ask?"

            Hazelstar shrugged, unsure why she was asking about the she-cat. "Do you think I am a good leader, Ice?"

            "Of course," Ice told her.

            "Screechshade said I'm a coward for not killing a cat yet. To be honest, I'm not sure why my mother even chose me for this mission. I'm a failure."

            "No, you're not," Ice reassured her. "You've rebuilt this clan. We're seeking revenge."

            That's not all you know, Hazelstar thought. She sighed, continuing to walk through the forest. Maybe this whole patrol was worthless.

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