The job

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I can hear my brother in almost a whisper talking to some guy. each other. "Tell my sister I'll be back and I love her." said Zack. I can hear leather boots coming up the stairs along with chains banging together. The sounds stop and he knocks on my bedroom door. I ignore him and continue drawing. I hear the door crack open a slight bit. But I still ignore him. I start hearing the leather boots and chains banging together again. He stops behind my chair. "Ummm hi, I'm Andy, what are you drawing if you don't mind me asking." said Andy.

"Hi I'm Turquoise, and I don't know what I'm drawing right now it can be anything."

"Ok will if you need anything I'll be downstairs." he said wall walking towards the door.

"Ok." I said. I hear him go downstairs and turn on the TV. Ten minutes go by and I start getting bored of drawing. I look at the clock and see it's 7:37pm. I go downstairs. I see Andy sitting on the couch watching some kind of TV show. "Can I watch TV with you?" I ask.

"Sure." I sit next to Andy on the couch. "Is there something you want to watch?"

"No I don't really care what we watch."

"Ok how about a movie."

"I'm fine with that." He puts it on a Comedy Horror movie.

Andy's P.O.V

When the second movie is almost over I feel something on my shoulder. I look down and see Turquoise passed out on my shoulder. I get up nice and slow hoping not to wake her up. I pick her up bridal style and take her up to her room. I lay her in her bed, cover her up and whisper "goodnight." I close her door and start yawning I look at the time and it's almost 12am. I go downstairs and turn off the TV.

Now her brother said I could sleep in the guest room. I go up to the guest bedroom and lay down in the bed. I start thinking about how he isn't going to be here for a week. About ten minutes later I fall asleep.

I get woken up by some kind of shifting noise. I grab my phone to see what time it is. It's almost 4 in the morning. I hear the door open. I look up to see Turquoise walking over here. "Turquoise is something wrong" I said. All I could hear from her is mumbles. She tryed to get into my bed. I tryed to get out but before I could she was already laying down and tuging on my shirt saying "please don't leave, please don't leave me again" with tears running down her cheeks. I lay back down giving space between us but she comes closer to me and puts her hand on my chest. She says "please don't go, please don't leave." I put my hand on her head and started petting her trying to comfort her and get her back to sleep. She is still crying and she started to mumble something. She comes closer to me and started to hug me but not moving her head. After a few minutes she stopped mumbling and I could feel her not crying anymore. I think I got her back to sleep. I then slowly fall asleep.

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