Chapter 6

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Champain POV

I felt a lot better and no I didn't flip the switch i just cried it all out. I rember that today i have all my competitions I got up really fast and seen no one else was in the bed I walked out of Caroline's room to see everyone at the table eating.

I smiled at them and said "hey Caroline I have my competitions today do you wanna come with us if your not doing anything?" I asked. Her face lit up and she smiled big "I would love too!" She hugged me I seen the time and seen I only had 3 hours left to get ready.

"I'll pick you up in a hour and a half okay?" I asked grabbing my car keys she nodded and I grabbed Rebekah after she washed her plate up and put it in the dish washer.

When I got to the mansion and zoomed up the stairs to get ready. I first took a shower, then I blow dried my hair. Then I put on my first costume I'm gonna wear. (On the side or at top) I then brushed my hair and did my make up but while I did that Rebekah came in and helped curled my hair.

When I was done I looked at myself in the mirror and decided I look good. I had 5 minutes till I have to pick up Caroline. I went down stairs to go get my dance bag and to put my hip-hop, rumba, and salsa shoes in there.

I found my bag and stuffed my shoes and then seen that everyone else was ready. "Okay 5 can ride in the sub and 5 can ride with me. So Rebekah, Caroline who I will get picking up, me, Scott, and..." I looked between Elijah and kol. "Kola" "did you just call me kola?" He questioned. I smirked and shook my head. "I thought it was clever thank you very much!" I stated and walked out but not before getting everyone.

Once they were all in the car I drove to Caroline's. She walked out and got in the back. "Okay everyone ready" I got replies of "yes, yeah, ya, come on with it already!" The last one was from Scott who I slapped his knee.

When we got there I seen Damon, Stefan, Bonnie, Elena, Jeremy, Matt, Alaric, and Tyler.

I rolled my eyes when I seen Alaric. " okay I have to go backstage but I'll see you guys after." I hugged Rebekah and Caroline.

I slung my bad over my shoulder and walked to see James talking to Damon, Stefan and Alaric. I seen we only had 10 minutes left and I pushed my way through everyone. And once I came to then I was breathing heavy. James turned to me and said "breath, breath, stay calm."

"Okay we only have 8 minutes to get everything before we go on so I need you back there and have you seen luke?" I asked worried. "Ya he's In the back I'm sure he won't be late again since what you did to him last time!" He chucked. I laughed s d we went to the stage together but not before Rick grabbing my forearm. It was now just us Stefan and Damon went off somewhere.

"What do you want do you not see me trying to get ready?" I snapped at him.
"Champain look I'm sorry I didn't sleep with her under any circumstance I promise." He pleaded.

I didn't know if I could trust him so I just said "we'll talk after the show." I then walked back stage just as the lights for the first performance were turning off leaving the audience in complete darkness.

There song 'just give me a reason' by pink started playing. Then before I knew it it was me and James turn to start are dance.

We came from backstage and yo the stairs to the crowed. James and I were holding hands and I squeezed his and he squeezed mine back in reassurance. Are song 'someone like you' by Adele started playing.

He was frozen like he was supposed to be and I was dancing all alone. I felt at home in the stage and I started getting a lot of confidence and are dance became more powerful.

When the songs ended we were out of breath we held Hands and then we hugged. I was laughing cause I can't believe we just did that.

Once they stopped clapping we went off stage one more dance then I would be dancing with Luke. Like the first time the time went by fast. Like and I got lead to the stage and out song 'perfect' by Hedley.

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