There are white tiny flakes, falling slowly,
From high up above they gather, gather
One-by-one they stick
And one-by-one they freeze
As the cold winter air blows through the trees.
Inside this house, there's a fire burning,
Sweet oak ash floating, floating
Peppermint displays
Hanging from the trees
As the cold winter air gives us
A breeze.
Children are sleeping, sleeping
Dreaming, dreaming
Of candy and cookies
Santa and elves
Their sweet soft
Breathing, breathing
As the cold winter air
Brushes their faces.
Another book of Poems...
PoetryJust another one of those numerous poetry books out in this book forsaken world. So, let's be all cliché and say they came from soul (not really more like from my hand to a page) but still, I hope you all enjoy them... © 2015 @ L.P.Perez/ All Rights...