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A soft groan escaped her lips as she woke up from her slumber. Ayako gently rubbed her eyes to rid herself of grogginess. She looked outside the window, just to see that it was almost dusk and she had missed out on lunch.

Her eyes traveled as she took in her surroundings and was surprised when she realized that she didn't sleep in her room and in one of her brother's instead. She tried to recollect from her memories earlier that day, as to whose room she entered before she fell asleep.

But based on the scent and cluttered stuffs inside the room, she already knew. It was Masaomi's. His room smelled like a mix of mint and fabric detergent. It's a scent that always calmed her down whenever she cried.

A smile took over her lips before she got up from the bed and fixed it. The blue-haired girl also tried to clean up her older brother's room as an act of gratitude for putting up with her a while ago. It must've been troublesome for him, although she knew that Masaomi did not really mind her using his room.

As she was fixing his things, a certain picture frame caught her attention. It was when their mother married Ema's father, which was just recently. All her brothers were present and were wearing tuxedoes for the said occasion. Ema was wearing a knee-length dress and looked pretty overall.

Now that she looked closely, it's a dress that her mother designed. How she had known that? It seemed pretty obvious to her since she had always known her mother's styles and her works. Ayako had always wanted to be a fashion designer herself ever since she was young. She had always looked up to her mother.

She saw another frame by the corner of her eyes. It was a picture of their family as a whole. They all looked younger. As she looked closely, she realized it was taken the time before that happened. Meaning, she was still seven years of age.

Ayako stroked the part of the glass, where the younger version of her smiled brightly at the camera as she linked arms with Fuuto who was posing with a peace sign, smiling widely beside her.

The sound of the door opening, sent her back to reality. She spun around, nearly going out of balance at how quick she did that. It was only Masaomi, who seemed to be amazed at how clean his room became.

"Ah, Masa-nii. Sorry for cleaning up without your permission," she smiled apologetically, which he returned with a good-natured chuckle.

"It's fine. I didn't even realize how large my room is until you cleaned it up." He approached her and patted her head, like how he usually does. A smile lit up her face, before she finally looked back at her bedside table.

"What are you looking at anyway?" Masaomi asked, before following her line of sight. He happened to see the two picture frames that stood on his bedside table with the lamp. Somehow, he felt awkward especially after knowing that Ayako had seen the photo during their mother's wedding.

"You were still so cute then. I wonder what happened now..." He laughed trying to steer the topic of conversation, making Ayako pout sulkily beside him. He immediately regretted it because the girl seemed to be offended at what he said.

"I'm just joking!" He tried to defend himself. The younger girl just made a face at him and pretended to be mad, before laughing at him upon seeing his panicking expression. Their moment was disturbed when someone called for Ayako and Masaomi in unison. The two just looked at each other before bursting into another round of laughter.



"Oof!" Wataru jumped into the said girl's arms, clinging onto her neck for dear life. Yuusuke hot on his heels. Ayako wondered as to what the youngest did to actually annoy him.


"Wataru!!" The red-haired male called out angrily as Ayako held her youngest brother in her arms, protectively. Her eyes glared at the teenage boy in front of her, not minding if Wataru actually did something wrong or not. The poor boy is still a baby in her eyes.

"Yuu-chan, don't bully Wataru!" She slapped his shoulder lightly as if to scold him. Yusuke flinched when he heard her tone of voice. It was strict and reprimanding. He didn't want to deal with another scolding from Ayako. He always end up being ashamed, one way or another. Plus, she had dirt about him and he's afraid that she will use it against him.

"...Sorry." He finally said, after a few moments. Ayako had always known Yusuke as a hot-blooded and rash person who ends up regretting his actions afterwards... most of the times. Wataru still clung to her as he carefully peeked at his older brother's face only to see him, already tamed by his older sister. A gleeful smile spread on his lips as he jumped down from Ayako's arms.

"What were you guys arguing about anyway?"

The youngest child stiffened for a moment at the question directed to him and Yusuke. Ayako looked back and forth at the two boys before her. Her arms were crossed and her eyes were demanding for an answer from either the two of them. Yusuke looked sheepish and embarrassed, while Wataru seemed apologetic and about to cry. Her eyes immediately softened at the sight. She ended up patting the youngest child's head before smiling kindly.

"Well, if you guys won't say so, then it's fine. Just avoid arguing, alright? That's not good." She chuckled and patted Yusuke's shoulder, a little bit too hard for his taste. It was a warning from her that if he did anything to Wataru, he'll be regretting it for his life.

"If you end up acting immaturely again, I'll tell on you to Kyo-nii. I have something you do not want to be known, after all."

Shivers ran down Yusuke's spine as he heard what his sister whispered in his ears. Ayako had always been the one who ends up disciplining him if not Ukyo, Masaomi or Tsubaki. Since the two of them are of the same age, with him being older than Ayako by a few months, she can do whatever she wants without worrying. Although he won't ever admit it so easily. Still, he sees her as an irreplaceable and lovable sibling.

"Ah, Aya!" The girl turned around slightly to look back at him. Her expression was inquisitive. She was walking away, holding onto Wataru's hand and was about to head outside when he called out.

"...Never mind." Yuusuke waved his hand, before leaving the girl and Wataru alone. Ayako only looked puzzled for a moment before she shrugged it off and proceeded outside to play with their youngest sibling.


"Who is this?" Ayako suddenly saw black as large, warm hands covered her view. Her eyebrows furrowed and met in the center as she tried to figure out who the person was. The said person even tried to alter his voice, so as not to be recognized by her.

She was currently sitting on the sand, with her knees tucked in. Her job for today was to entertain and babysit Wataru since their baby brother insisted that he wanted to play by the shore. The blue-haired girl was watching over her younger brother and now she's currently in this situation, robbed of her eyesight.

"Who is this?" Ayako threw the question back to the person who dared to prank her when she has a duty to attend to. If this was an unfamiliar person, she'd make sure that this person won't be able to see the sunlight ever again.

"Can you guess?" The voice suddenly changed again, and now she was confused because the pitch is higher but still sounded a bit deep. It sounded like a boy who hasn't hit puberty yet. She tried to pry his hands away, but the person was stronger than her.

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