Chapter One

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I stood near my roommate's bed and peered down at him. "Cameron, wake up."

His body was splayed out on the sheets, his arms wide open and his head turned to the right.

He grumbled under his breath. "Five minutes."

"I already gave you five minutes. I just came out of the bathroom, it's your turn."

He sighed. "Please?"

"Dude, you're already awake. Just get up."

I walked away from his bed to grab my uniform. I had to bend down to haul my pants off the floor, and stretch my arm to wrap my fingers around my shirt which was somewhere under my bed.

I slipped on my clothes, straightening my shirt down with my fingers.

Glancing at the mirror, I noticed that it wasn't working. But I was used to seeing myself in un-ironed shirts, and so was the rest of the student body.

"Is that my shirt again?" Cameron asked, still lying on his bed.

Frowning, I lifted my shirt up and sniffed. "No, why?"

"It's huge."

I peered at the my reflection in the mirror again.

My shirt was a size (or two) larger than it should have been, but I liked the way it hung loosely over my shoulders.

I heard him get out of bed after that, and I started packing my bag for the day.

"You ready?"

I turned to see Cameron standing by the bathroom door, fastening the last button on his shirt.

His head bent over as his fingers fumbled over the buttons on his shirt, his chestnut hair falling over to cover the top part of his face. His shirt, unlike mine, fit his body perfectly. 

Yet again, he probably wore the correct size.

"Done staring?" He smirked.

I looked away. "Your buttons are done up the wrong way."

"Damn it!"

I had to wait another minute or two before Cameron finally got his shirt to look normal.

He then combed his hair out of the way using his fingers, and finally straightened up before lazilt slinging his bag over his shoulder.

From the doorway I could see the invisible line that separated our sides of the room. Mine was littered with everything an average teenage boy would own; books, stationary, shirts, underwear, socks, a pair of earphones, and some old can of deodorant.

Cameron's side was a lot neater. Aside from not making his bed, none of Cameron's belongings were out of place. His clothes were neatly folded inside the drawers of the cabinet that separated out beds. His shoes were placed neatly by the side of his bed, his socks tucked in and ready for use. He even had a pin board over his desk where he hung a pair of expensive looking headphones alongside school-related papers and one washed out picture of what I always assumed was his family.

He grabbed his socks and put them on before sliding his feet inside his shoes.

I was already wearing my own scruffy pair so we hurriedly left the dorm room and shut the door behind us, making sure we heard the automatic lock slide on before we made our way to the dining hall.

It was still a bit early, so the school halls were not as busy as they usually were. We made it to the hall in no time, grabbing out trays, filling them up with breakfast, before walking towards our table.

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