Chapter 21: Mornings and Pranks

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Shay POV

I woke up the next day, with realization hitting me like a storm. I rubbed my eyes groggily, still tired since I got no sleep. 

"Babe wake up," I nudged Calum who was still sleeping soundly.

He opened one eye, pouting his lips slightly, before closing it again.

"Calum," I whined, poking his cheek.

"Shay," he whined back, still not bothering to open his eyes.

I rolled my eyes, attempting to sit up, but Calum's strong arms held me down.

"At least let me get up, I have to shower and get ready," I said trying to pry his arms off of me.

Calum sighed in defeat letting go of me and sitting up, "Why are we even up so early?" 

"The wedding is today!" I chirped sitting up quickly, rushing towards the bathroom.

Calum sighed before laying back down, waiting for me to shower. I walked into the bathroom, and showered making sure that I was perfectly clean for the wedding, after all today was supposed to me special.

Calum and I have been waiting to you it, and since today was going to be Sara's wedding I had high hopes today would be the day. I hopped out of the shower, and inspected my body in the mirror. The scars that laced my body were fading, boosting my confidence. 

The main reason I haven't had sex with Calum was that I was just so unconfident with myself. I felt like if he saw all the scars, and the lumps of fat on my body, he would run away. Of course when I mentioned this to him he totally object, but that didn't shake the nervous feeling I had whenever things ended up getting heated between us.

I nodded at myself as I twirled around, proud of what I had accomplished. While being in the LA house with the boys, I had lost at least 10 pounds make me officially under 100 pounds for good. That was always my goal, to be under 100. Also my scars had been fading, the hunger I felt when I skipped meals was fading as well. I smiled at my reflection before getting started on my hair and makeup, completely ecstatic for today.

Soon enough I finished, my brown hair straightened and my makeup done to the best of my ability. Sara had suggested I get it done, but I hated other people touching me, let alone doing my makeup for something as important as this. 

I walked out of the bathroom to find Calum still asleep on the bed. Since I was only in a towel I couldn't jump or do anything to wake up, so I just watched him sleep peacefully as I put on some sweatpants and one of his t-shirts. I had one leg in the hole of the sweatpants when I sneezing sound came from the bed.

I whipped around surprised, quickly pulling the pants up. I met Calum's eyes, and he was blushing furiously red. I raised an eyebrow and laughed at his panicked eyes, as he tried to close them and pretend he was sleeping again.

"I know your watching Cal," I laughed before jumping on the bed next to him.

I put my face inches from his, just looking at his features. He was so adorable. I was in the middle of admiring him, when his eyes snapped open. Surprised I jumped back letting out a squeaking sound.

"Now whose staring," Cal smirked playfully, before getting up and heading towards the bathroom.

"Still you," I laughed before he shut the door to shower.

I looked at the clock and saw I had six hours before the ceremony, which means I had four hours until I had to get ready. 

I ran into the hallway in search of something to do, when I heard loud snoring from Luke's room. I giggled opening his door, to find he was fast asleep on his bed. 

"Sleepy head," I muttered before rushing downstairs a devious plan in my head.

I opened the fridge in search of whipped cream. I grabbed it and whipped around to see my dad's friend Louis standing behind me, a skeptical look in his eyes.

"What are you doing with an entire can of whipped cream?" He questioned, his eyebrows raising slightly.

"Pranking Luke," I replied nonchalantly.

Louis smiled before grabbing a can of whipped cream himself, "I might as well go prank your dad then," 

He smiled before rushing up the stairs to Harry's room, be following behind and heading to Luke's room.

I opened his door slowly, looking around for anything that I could accidentally step on. His room was a mess, well his half. Ashton's side was pretty clean, and looked like it hadn't been touched for days. Is sighed knowingly, as I remembered walking in on him and Ally a few days before.

Deciding to just go for it, I crept slowly into the room, heading for the left side of the bed, the side his back was to. I uncapped the whipped cream quickly, before pulling out my phone. I pulled up one of my old covers I did as a joke, with me basically screaming the lyrics to Just Saying. I laughed before turning the volume all the way up and pressing play.

As soon as my screaming voice filled the air I started spraying the whipped cream everywhere on Luke's face even getting some in my hair.

Luke jumped in surprised falling off the bed, and onto me his blue eyes widened in shock. He stared in my eyes, his face and hair covered in whipped cream, an unreadable expression on his face.

"Wakey wakey," I laughed, as he slowly got up from underneath me.

Luke opened his mouth to say something, but was cut off by loud screaming coming from down the down the hall, "LOUIS FUCKING TOMLINSON I HAD MY HAIR DONE YESTERDAY HOW DARE YOU WHIP CREAM ME," 

I laughed as Louis ran down the hall an angry Harry bounding right after his, his luscious locks covered in whip cream. I laughed looking back at Luke, who had a devilish look in his eyes.

"Are you ticklish by any chance?" he asked casually, as it were nothing.

I opened my mouth to respond when realization hit me, "Luke no, don't," I pleaded, but he already was running towards me.

I took off in a sprint down the hall Luke running closely behind, "YOU CAN RUN SHAY, BUT THESE LONG ASS LEGS WILL CATCH YOU EVENTUALLY"

I laughed and kept sprinting, eventually making it to the stairs. I rushed down them in a hurry, but my feet couldn't move fast enough because right before I hit the bottom step, two noodle like arms wrapped around me, pulling me back up the stairs.

"LOUIS HELP! I'VE BEEN CAPTURED!" I screamed, Luke laughing as Louis screamed back,  " SORRY SUGAR YOUR ON YOUR OWN!"

Luke was about to drag me into his room, when he froze, letting go of me. I hit the ground with a thud, my smile fading.

"Why did you?" I started but I was cut off by an angry Calum grumbling, "Keep your paws off my girlfriend Luke,"


Forms of Rehab (lrh and cth fanfic)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora