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You wake up in a dark room, You can't see at all, you try to move, but your hands don't budge. I feel something, a rope, a rope that's wrapped around your hands. I'm also on a bed. You came to realise what had happened.

I've been kidnapped and drugged.

"What are we going to do with her" A faint mumble says.

"Uh she's useless" Another faint mumble says. You get all steamed up and angry. Your so angry, your face goes red.

Two men walk in, one bald and one with a grey goaty. One cracks his knuckles. You instantly get scared.

"Get away from her!!" Niall, your boyfriend, yells. He tackles one of the guys to the ground.

The guy soon picks him up and puts him down on the ground softly. Not what you expected.

"Hey, Hey!" one of the guys say. "What are you doing?"

"I thought you were going to hurt her!" Niall shouts. The one with the goaty looks at him in confusion.

"Nononono, we weren't" The bald guy says.

"We're businessman" The goaty one says also.

"Whaaa..." You say in confusion. Your amazed. "But I heard you say I'm useless and when you came in you cracked your knuckles"

"Oh sorry, I mean't that towards another patient, she wasn't taking her medicine!" The goaty says with a hit of annoyance in his voice.

"Oh and I crack my knuckles all the time!" The bearded one says in glee. You chuckled.

"So your doctors?" Niall asks, they both nod.

"Why am I here and why do I have a rope around my wrists?" You ask.

"You fainted on the side of the road while we were on our way home and your hands didn't stop moving, so we tied them up."

Oh, you say in your mind. You look over at Niall and smile.

The guys untied you, and you made your wy out the door and went home.

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