Today of All Days

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"Fuck!" you say aloud as some Tavros cosplayer spilt his diet coke on you.

"oH,, i'M SORRY." he blurted out.

"It's fine." you mutter under your breath. You grab Andrew ( your best guy friend and crush who also cosplays sollux) by the hand and pull him towards the bathroom. "Wait for me kay?"

he managed a simple "Mhm." You walk in through the doors and begin drying your Aradia cosplay with paper towels. When your satisfied with your drying job you walk out the bathroom door. As soon as you walk out, two hands cover you eyes.

"Gueth who"

"Andrew you know you don't have to use the lisp whe-" you're cut off when two lips are placed against yours. Pushing him away you say, " Andrew what are you doing?! You're dating Kira! What if she fin-" You stop when you see that this person isn't Andrew. It's another Sollux cosplayer. "What the Hell?!" you look around for Andrew and see him with another Aradia. The other Aradia looks at you with a blank expression. Realization sweeps over you as you become aware that today is the day.

You and Aradia have had contact for over 6 months, planning. You are supposed to travel to Alternia with the actual trolls and live there in order to save your planet. Aradia and you are to switch places so she doesn't destroy Alternia and you don't destroy Earth. You both know what was going to happen because the voices told you so.

"Fuck, I'm sorry Sollux. I thought you were Andrew." before he could reply Karkat started to head off towards the exit of SacAnime. "I guess we're leaving already." you think as you follow them outside. They lead you to your big pickup truck and you get in the trunk with Sollux, Tavros, Gamzee, Feferi, Eridan, Vriska, Kanaya, Nepeta, and Equius while Karkat and Terezi get into the front. you start to ditch your Cosplay for the normal clothes you have under it. Luckily for you, you didn't put any grey paint on this time.

"HOW THE FUCKING HELL DO I DRIVE THIS DAMNED THING" Karkat shouted from the front seat. You giggled and hopped out of the trunk.

"I'll drive." you can drive fairly well for a 15 year old. Karkat got out of the seat muttering obscenities under his breath as you hopped in the front and started the truck.

"Go to the Fields." you hear Aradia's voice in your head. you know exactly what she meant. She wanted you to take the trolls to the abandoned farm house that you first heard her in. Lucky for you it's not more than an hour away and getting pulled over is highly unlikely because you look older than you are and you can drive pretty good.

"Here we go." you say to yourself.

AN: Sorry if I suck, this is my first Reader x ____.
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