I stepped away from Alfie's body, horrified at what I had done. I could feel tears beginning to form in my eyes, and my heart began to ache.
I had killed Alfie. I had murdered my best friend, my love. And now he was gone.
"It seems that, we have a winner!" The announcer said, shock in his voice.
"Human girl, please follow the guards to your room where you will be staying. You shall remain human unless you rebel against us. Don't try anything."
The glass wall began to lift up, and four guards crawled under the low gap between the wall and the floor to reach me. One of the guards took out handcuffs and put them around my wrists.
"Just in case you try anything." He said to me.
My knife was taken off me and I was escorted down a narrow corridor with blank white walls and strip lights that made everything almost blinding.
I was taken into my room, the handcuffs were taken off and I was told to go and clean myself. As the last guard left he said:
"You are free to walk about the Base, just don't go into restricted areas and , please, don't try to escape. We will find you easily and we will kill you easily too."
I took a shower, scrubbing the blood off my hands until they were red raw. I dried myself off and changed into a set of grey sweats and left my room to go and explore. I wandered around for a while, looking for the morgue to see Alfie one last time. Instead I found a lab with 'TOP SECRET, AUTHORISED PERSONNEL ONLY.' written in bold writing across the door. I looked into the window. Though it was blurry, I could tell there was nobody in there. I opened the door and saw something I would never expect to see in my entire lifetime.
Rows and rows of surgical tables and equipment lay in a huge room with morgue cabinets standing along all four walls. On the tables there were bodies, with their heads cut open revealing the brain. Beside them was a small piece of the brain, about the size of a leaf, covered in the dark cloud that is the same as a Remnants true form.
By the looks of things, the surgeons were taking out the part of the brain of a hijacked person that was still human, and replacing it with a piece of Remnant brain. Making the body completely Remnant, no feelings or humane thoughts. Pure evil.
I searched each table, looking for Alfie's body, trying to save him from a terrible new life as a Remnant. I found him at the very end table, farthest away from the door, just as the Remnant surgeons entered the room, ready to perform their procedure.
I hid behind a file cabinet, trying to sneak my way over to the door, it was impossible. 8 guards were blocking my only exit, armed with guns. Presumably loaded.
Behind the cabinet I found a locker room, with the door open and plenty surgical masks and suits inside. I went in and covered my clothes with the protective suit, then his my identity with the full face surgical mask.
I walked out the locker room trying to look as confident as possible. It seemed to work, the surgeons were too busy performing the transfer that they didn't notice me. I walked over to Alfie's table and observed the surgeons. They asked me how to cut the brain, I wondered why but then I realised, I was wearing the head surgeon suit and mask. I was supposed to be in charge here. Shit.
"Let me show you. Step out of the way please." I told them in a very important tone. The surgeons obeyed almost immediately, giving me the scalpel and scissors. I had dissected a human brain in Human Biology, so luckily I knew what I was doing. I cut the strand that attached the piece of brain to the rest of it and placed it into the dish at the side.
I realised then that I had just removed the only human part left of Alfie, but thought that it I could take the stem cells from his brain, I could replicate them and make a new brain, then make a transplant later on when I rescue him from this hell hole.
I stepped back and let the surgeons finish the procedure before making my way over to the exit. The guards moved out the way and let me pass. I went back to my room and took off the protective suit and mask, then began to make my plan of escape.
I would have to kill some Remnants to get to the main exit that I passed on the way to the lab, so I'd take a knife from the kitchen and kill them with that. Then I would have to actually reach the Rebels to get their help so I could save Alfie and all the other people in this place. I decided to try and steal a car from the garage. I would leave my room at around midnight, when there want many people about, take the human part of Alfie's brain and escape the Base to find the Rebels. I might just do it without getting myself killed too.
So, do you think the plan will work? Tell me in the comments!
~ Hannah

The Remnants
Science FictionThey're here to control. They have control. Now they're going to lose it, one way or another.