Stolen Dance

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Eh, a random idea. Nothing special. Just an alternate universe of sorts. If you wonder, yes, I am knowledgeable about the subject matter, but from Double D's view. It was in the past, so no, I haven't been around these things in years, but I know them. I'm not proud of this, but I'm not about to trash it after bothering to write it :P

One-shot unless otherwise strongly requested. Dedicated to the song "Stolen Dances" by Milky Chance, because imagining Kevin and Edd dancing to it was the inspiration for this. It'd be Adorkable.


It always seemed that Friday evenings would carry that ritual. It started almost a year and a half ago, and though I still occasionally question the logic behind our little get-togethers, I can't fault the results.

You see, almost two years ago, Eddy stumbled upon something quite...taboo. And, fortunately, he turned to me for advice. This taboo subject? Marijuana. He had somehow procured a book on the subject, and had been reading. Shocking, I know; but when he's dedicated to something, he will do outlandish things as such. I am very, very glad he turned to me, however. I don't want to imagine him ever having been caught.

We set up in Ed's basement. It was spacious, and his parents truly didn't care what he did down there, knowing the...condition...of his bedroom and adjoining rooms. Sarah was tight-lipped as well, these days. She had her own bad habits, ones we all knew, but kept quiet. It was a trade-off. Jimmy kept quiet as well because, as impish as the boy could be, he did not wish jail upon anyone.

Now, I suppose you are wondering to yourself, what would drive someone like myself to even imagine dabbling in something so illegal? Well, it is because I am so educated that I know the truths about it, and...I happen to know my parents are supporters as well. They would hopefully never know, but if they ever did, I know they would stand beside me. The medical benefits, and simply the mood it brought unto people...I've found no reason to fault it. But this knowledge gave me all the more reason to hide it well.

We made sure to purchase the lights discreetly, and used plant pots we acquired from Rolf. He was actually quite accepting of our endeavor, all things considered. No, we didn't keep what we were doing as silent as I would have liked, but Eddy seemed to have this gift at knowing who would keep their mouths shut about these sorts of things. So I trusted him. I couldn't shut him up, so it was all I could do to tolerate the information spreading.

Curtains, lighting with a timer, the proper soil, watering, last, we were set.

Eddy found the venture profitable, but I refused my share of the profits. Ed had taken to caring for the plants, his loving nature translating into very healthy greenery, strangely enough. He took his share of the profits, but didn't do anything with it. He saved it. I'd say it was a smart move, but tomorrow he could buy a zombie statue and I could be made a fool.

And now that I've described thoroughly our situation, I will continue where I left off...Friday evenings.

The group has been the same for a while now: Me, Eddy, Nazz, Kevin, Nat, and occasionally Ed. Nat was the first to join in, and pulled Kevin and Nazz along after a few groups. The idea was that Eddy would bring a bit over, we'd all talk, and simply enjoy the evening.

I never partook; I had no need to. Oftentimes it was potent enough that I got a secondhand high, without having to fill my lungs with warm, choking smoke. Even imagining that makes me gag, so I'm happy to not join in. The effects it had on others; the smoke, that is; was pleasant. Singing, smiling, laughing...laziness. Fortunately I was permitted to bring healthy refreshments so they didn't snack on sweets and various other things when they got the "munchies", as silly as that term is.

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So this evening, we were all there sitting around a table in Ed's basement. The door upstairs was dead-bolted shut. Nat, Nazz, and Kevin all shared a couch. I sat alone in a comfortable chair, and Eddy sat on a loveseat with Ed, amusing as that sounds.

The subject for the evening? The dance.

"So like, there I was, struttin' my stuff down the hallway, and Jenine clings to my arm and is all like, 'oh hun, do you have something you wanna ask me?', and I'm like, 'yeah, don't touch me scumbag,' I mean seriously! She's such a skank, haha!" Kevin's laughter reverberated around the room, Nat throwing his arms up dramatically as he gasped.

"Oh, oh, I got one! Lily, you know her? Girl with the sweet name and the sour attitude? Tried to flash her eyes at me in Social Studies, I gave her a response, not sure she caught it, but," he proceeded to scratch his eye with his middle finger to act out what he did, "girl needs to back off. What is it about the skanks and dances? They need to get their frilly dresses and dance with each other. I mean, Nazz, baby, you're nothing like them, what do you think?"

Nazz smiled innocently, before a devilish smirk played across her face, "I think they need to go find a player, get played, and see if they still wanna play the damn game."

We all laughed at that one. Though, to be honest, it was hard not to make us all laugh. I would always laughed due to politeness, and everyone else would laugh from the bong passed around the room. And when someone couldn't hold it; the smoke, that is...the laughter was utterly contagious. I'd always feel bad for the person trying not to laugh whilst in a coughing fit, but the atmosphere simply kept us joyous about...practically everything.

"Pfft, girls don't know what they're missing. Might just go with Lee again." We all rolled our eyes at that one. Eddy and Lee had been on-and-off for a while now. She was good for him, and somehow she could deal with his crap, so we were happy about it. Eddy just didn't want to be 'held down' by a relationship, but we knew how things really were.

"Ask Jenine. Bet she'll get on her knees for ya dude," Kevin laughed as he spoke to Eddy, and Nat made a short motion indicative of...well, that act. We all laughed again.

"Ugghhh it's too quiet in here, loves, Imma put on some jams!" Nat popped a CD in and turned it on. At least it was something more normal this time around; sometimes the stuff he brought to play was rather...peculiar.

Nazz spoke up, "So Ed, you gonna bring May?"

Ed just kinda stared at nothing before fumbling out a reply, "Probably. I think she wants to...yeah."

He didn't get the same effect from smoking as the rest of the group. He became more reserved and thoughtful, which was...honestly, it was odd. We worried about him the first time it happened, but eventually we learned he did enjoy the feeling. We tried to keep him involved in the group when Friday came around, but sometimes he'd just zone out. Thus why he wasn't always "there" with us.

Nazz giggled, "That's great, Ed, I'm sure she'd love to go. And how about you, Double D?"

I tried to stay the silent observer as best I could, but Nazz's politeness always dragged me in. I breathed in the smoke-laced air to try and steel my nerves before replying to the beautiful blonde, "I'm afraid I've no such plans. Marie is going with Jack, and I'm not much of one to dance, anyways, so..."

"Oh come on, Double D, don't chicken out on us!" her sweet voice was infectious.

"Yeah, Double Sweetie, I bet your cute hips can shake it like the makers," Nat wiggled his eyebrows at me and I went red, blinking away the comment. It's not as though I didn't expect that comment from Nat. I mean...he's Nat, he says anything and everything, I simply didn't agree.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 07, 2016 ⏰

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