Chapter 37

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This chapter is dedicated to Maggieraecyrus
I can't with this girl. She shares (almost) the same amount of love for Shane as I do and that's pretty unbelievable. I love you xx


While I'm on Twitter, I see Kamryn posted a tweet around an hour ago, before she arrived here.

Kamryn Jackson
New hair!

I click on the picture attached and narrow my eyes at the girl next to her.

Who's that?

The girl was very pretty, I can't deny that, with her blonde hair to her waist and deep brown eyes. She's slightly shorter than Kamryn but I can see a slight resemblance.

Are they related?

Is that her sister?

She never mentioned a sister....

Maybe it's because she doesn't like you....

Shut up.

I'm sure it's nothing.

I send a quick text to Kamryn, asking about the girl then lock my phone and fall back to sleep.


{12th January, 2016}

"So, just make sure that she doesn't exercise too much for the next two weeks, eats plenty of food," my stomach drops. "And gets plenty of rest." Doctor Ramsey says as we walk towards the main doors of the hospital.

Well, everyone else is walking. I'm being pushed by Avi in a wheelchair because apparently I'm too weak to walk to the front doors.

"We will," Mitch says. He shot me a meaning glance at the food instructions but I was already going to eat. Not plenty, but I will try to eat.

For Shane.

"Good. Well, I guess this is it. Goodbye Miss Daniels." Doctor Ramsey says and I wave before he leaves.

"He was so creepy," Avi mutters to me and I laugh.

"You weren't stuck with him for four days," I reply and Avi laughs with me. My phone gets a notification and I check it then smile when I see it's Shane.

BVBBOY666: You haven't been on in more than a week, are you okay?

I unlock my phone, go into Pointers and start to type a reply.

Sup3rfruitler2013: Yeah, I was just in hospital.

BVBBOY666: Jesus Christ, are you okay?

Sup3rfruitler2013: Jeez Shane, I tell you I was just in hospital and you're making sure Jesus is okay.

I hear Avi chuckle behind me but everyone else is laughing at a joke I didn't hear because..... Well, Shane.

BVBBOY666: What....

BVBBOY666: Oh.


BVBBOY666: Ha ha. *please note the sarcasm*

Sup3rfruitler2013: Sarcasm noted.

Sup3rfruitler2013: But no, I'm not really okay. I mean, I just got out of hospital.

BVBBOY666: What happened?

Sup3rfruitler2013: Well.... um....

I blush. Do I really wanna tell him I felt up someone living with me?

BVBBOY666: You can tell me....

Sup3rfruitler2013: Well, imayhavefeltupthepersonilivewithrandownstairshadapanicattackandhitmyheadonsomethingcausingmetopassout.

BVBBOY666: You felt up the person you live with, ran downstairs, had a panic attack and hit your head on something causing you to pass out?

Sup3rfruitler2013: Uh huh.....

BVBBOY666: Are you okay?

Sup3rfruitler2013: Well, my dignity died when I felt him up.

BVBBOY666: When you say 'felt him up'......

Sup3rfruitler2013: I told him I liked his chest then patted his stomach.

BVBBOY666: That's much better than what I had in mind.

Sup3rfruitler2013: You dirty freak...... :)

BVBBOY666: You know it ;)

"Okay Skylar, you're going to have to stand up and hop in the car. Can you do that?" Kirstie says and I look up.

"Yes Kirst, I'm not that weak. I could've walked here." I say and shakily stand up.

Come on legs, you're not helping my point.

"See?" I ask as I hop into the car. I'm the third person in the car. The first is Avi, in the drivers seat, of course.

Then, the world obviously hates me because it's Scott sitting next to me.

My cheeks immediately go crimson and so do his. It looks like he curses under his breath as I slide into the middle and do up my seatbelt. Kevin hops in the front passenger seat, Kirst slides in next to me and then I frown.

"What about Mitch?" I ask and all heads turn to me then to the brunette standing outside the car, a small pout on his face. I bite my lip, containing a smile then gasp and pretend to have a really good idea.

"I know!" I exclaim and they all turn to me. "Mitch could sit on Scott's lap!" Mitch's gaze turns into a glare and Scott quickly looks away.

"What?" Avi asks and turns around.

"Well, he can't sit on Kevin's lap because that's too obvious and the popo will catch us," I say with a serious expression on my face, making everyone, except Scott who's still looking out the window, laugh. "Avi's driving, I'm too small, Kirstie's too small so Scott is the only option," I explain.

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