Colleen's pov
I open my eyes and scratch them. I look to my side, and there was Josh. Sleeping like an angel. We was so cute. I pushed the hair out of his face. He opened his eyes and smiled. Both of us were naked. He came closer to me and kissed me. "Good morning, beautiful." He said. "Good morning, Josh." I looked down and saw his penis. I blushed, all of this was really new to me. "Your smile is so cute" He said. Then he turned on the TV and we cuddled in his bed. Suddenly, we hear a knock in the door. "Who is this?" Josh asked, but there was no answer. He put on some boxers and got out of bed. He opened the door, as I covered myself with the sheets, because I was still naked. "Oh, um... Hi Eric." Josh said. I panicked.
~"OH MY GOSH ERIC IS HERE"~ I thought to myself.
"Hi... Josh, right? Eric said. "Yea" Josh said. "Okay, I know it's weird that I come here, because we don't know each other. But, um... My girlfriend recently broke up with me and... Wait, how did you know my name?" Said Eric. Josh choked and tried to think of a quick answer. "Uuuh, uh." Was the only thing that came out of his mouth. "So it's true... You are the guy that Colleen was cheating on me with." Said Eric. "I don't know what are you talking about" Said Josh. "Fuck you" Said Eric while he punched Josh in his nose. Josh fell to the ground trying to hold the blood that was coming out of his nose. When he fell, the door opened. And there he was. The surprised, sad, angry look Eric gave me when he saw me naked in Josh's bed was terrifying. He came closer to me and took the sheets off. I tried to cover myself with the pillows but he took them away. "YOU ARE A SLUT COLLEEN BALLINGER, FUCK YOU" Eric screamed. I was so scared.
Josh's pov
My nose was still bleeding when I noticed Colleen crying and Eric about to rape her. At least that's what it looked like. Eric had his shirt off and was trying to touch Colleen's boob. Colleen was trying to kick his balls but he had her legs trapped. I got up and pulled him out of the bed. He looked at me and punched me in the stomach. I fell to the ground again.
Colleen's pov
"Oh my god, Josh! HELP" I cried for help. But there was no one in the hallways, I guess. Eric looked at me. He seemed crazy. I ran out of the bed and tried to put my clothes on. But Eric ran after me and took the clothes away from my hands. He slapped me. I fell to the ground, grabbing my cheek with one hand. He took me in his arms and putted me in the bed. I was screaming and sobbing. He was taking his pants off. "Get away from me!" I screamed as a million tears came out of my eyes. "This is what you get for being a whore, don't you like it?!" He said. "You are out of your mind, HELP!" I screamed again. Nothing. I tried to scape but he punched me in the head. I didn't know what to do. Suddenly, Josh gets up, and hits Eric with a chair, right in his head. He passed out. I was still crying and trying to cover myself. "Calm down sweetie, everything is over" He said as he hugged me. "I... I don't know... Why would he do something like this..." I said as Josh wiped the tears out of my face. "I don't care, baby. He is not going to be near you ever again, I promise"

Take me away: Joshleen
FanfictionColleen Ballinger is a theater student in a College in Santa Barbara. She and her current boyfriend, Eric, start having some trouble in their relationship, and that's when her classmate Josh comes into the story.