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“You can take a shower if you want. I can get you some spare clothes and bring them in for you,” The brunette spoke showing Zayn around his house.

Liam’s house was huge, literally. It was made of red brick and had ampule ceilings that went up two levels. From what he’s shown Zayn so far, there were two bedrooms on the first floor and four on the second. All bedrooms had Jack and Jill bathrooms. The kitchen was what struck Zayn the hardest. It had dark granite counters with mahogany cabinets with a large kitchen island with high stools around it.

“You can take one of the spare bedrooms. My bedroom’s on the second floor, first bedroom on the right,” Liam said before patting Zayn on his back making him gasp out in pain.

“Shit,” Zayn cursed holding his shoulder in agony.

“Whoa Zayn, I didn’t mean to hurt you. Are you okay?” Liam asked franticly as Zayn’s breathing became forced and he bit his lip.

“Damn it,” Zayn cursed again before letting his shoulder go and groaning.

“Why don’t you go take a shower so relax your muscles, take as much time as you want. Just don’t put your shoulder right under the water,” Liam said sympathetically.

“Yeah, um thanks,” Zayn said before walking to the first floor Jack and Jill bathroom and closing the door.

“There should be a towel in there,” Liam called from the kitchen. “If you want me to wash your clothes, I can.  Just leaven them outside the door so I can wash them for you.”

“Okay,” Zayn called back. He turned to the shower and put it on nice and warm, causing steam to cover the bathroom. Zayn smiled. This was going to be his first shower in months. He carefully striped himself from his ratty black skinny jeans before taking his cheap coat off and resting on the floor next to his jeans. He turned to look at his reflection in the mirror and sighed. He struggled to take his shirt off without moving his left shoulder too much. He winced slightly when he moved his shoulder slightly. His eyes bulged as he took in his nearly naked reflection.

He didn’t remember being that skinny. You could easily count his ribs and his hip bones jutted out sharply. His tattoos were tight against his body. His eyes went to his face where he saw his split and chapped lips and his cut eyebrow and black eye. Josh had really got him good. His eye went to his shoulder were he groaned. It was an angry black and blue that went all around his shoulder. Zayn doesn’t bruise easily.

He sighed before quickly ridding himself of his boxers before grabbing the pile of the floor and placing them outside the door before quickly closing it and hopping into the shower.

Zayn let out a shaky breath as the warm water hit his body. A smile stretched across his face as he turned and see the soap and shampoo. He quickly grabbed the body wash and squeezed some onto his hand before rubbing his skin soothingly in circles. When he finished washing his whole body he quickly rinsed himself and got his hair damp. He rubbed some shampoo into his black hair before rinsing it clean and turning the water off. He didn’t want to use up all of Liam’s hot water.

 Zayn stood in the shower for a few more moments, the water slowly dripping down his body, before stepping out onto the bath mat and grabbed the towel. He quickly dried himself and then wrapped the towel tightly around his waist. He went to get redressed when he remembered Liam had taken his clothes to the wash.

In hope that he wouldn’t have to have Liam see his horrible, drug addict body, he opened the door and looked at the ground in hope to see his clothes on the ground. He had no luck.

Sighing, he ran his digits through his damp hair before heading upstairs to find Liam. Zayn knocked on the first door on the right. Liam answered questioningly.

“You don’t have to knock,” Liam said with a smiled before the grin fell from his face as he took in Zayn’s body. “Zayn,” He gasped pulling the boy into his room. Zayn withered into himself trying to cover his boney body from Liam’s sorrowful eyes. “It’s worse than I thought.”

Liam sat Zayn down on the edge of his bed before walking to his dresser and came back with a pair of tight black boxers. “Put these on,” Liam said handing them over before turning around and closing his eyes.

Zayn stood up carefully and let the towel drop to the floor and he quickly pulled the boxers up, which were still loose on his narrow hips. “Okay,” Zayn whispered so Liam could turn around.

It was weird for Zayn, he’d only met the boy a little over an hour ago and he already was standing in his boxers in front of him.

Liam approached Zayn carefully to make sure Zayn was okay with it. “When was the last time you ate?” Liam questioned, gently poking at Zayn’s ribs.

“Um, a day or two ago,” Zayn rasped as Liam grabbed Zayn’s hand and stretched it out. There was obvious bruising and little pin needle markings at the crease of his arm. Zayn closed his eyes so he couldn’t see Liam’s disappointed eyes.

“You’re too young to be this way,” Liam drowned in pity. “Too young.”

“I’m sorry,” Zayn murmured before turning his head and opening his eyes.

“How bad does your shoulder hurt?” Liam questioned moving his hands to gently lift Zayn’s left arm.

“Yeah, it got beat pretty well when I fell,” Zayn winced as Liam gently pressed a finger against the bruised flesh.

“Sorry. I hope you didn’t fracture it or something. If it still hurts in a few days, I’ll take you to the doctors,” Liam said and Zayn stiffened.

“Who said I was staying here?” Zayn huffed.

“Me. You’re skin and bones, Zayn! I want to help you, please,” Liam pleaded as he held Zayn’s hand tightly in his own.

“As long as I’m not a burden,” Zayn whispered and Liam smiled halfheartedly.

“You’re not a burden. I just want to see you happy and healthy and have some meat on your bones, please,” Liam begged.

“Okay…” Zayn agreed with a huff before looking down at his body. “Can I borrow some clothes? It is winter, you know,” Zayn teased with a smirk.

“Of course,” Liam smiled as he walked over to his dresser and pulled out a pair of baggy sweat pants that had a string to tighten them around Zayn’s hips and an old t-shirt. “Here you go,” Liam smiled as he handed the items over. “You should probably head off to bed. I have to pick up my friend, Niall, from the airport at eight for his flight. I want you to come with me to keep me company on the long ride,” Liam said making Zayn blush slightly.

“Okay. Thanks, Liam, for everything,” Zayn said gratefully.




I didn’t proof read :/ I'm trying to update my stories before I go on vacation next week





-Em xx

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