"Matthew Wades you will apologize this instant, you know this is Niva and I expect you to respect her." Matt looks at me with distaste as his eyes slowly scan my face. I level my gaze with his making sure my eyes are as cold as humanly possible. There is no way that I was going to let anyone get away with disrespecting me ever again. Finally after our stare down Matt kisses his teeth before saying "Fine, I'm sorry now if there is nothing left for me to say then I will be heading upstairs to go to sleep. Good night." We all watch as he turn on his heel and stalks off towards the stairs even Mark is quiet as he watches his brother with a spaghetti noodle dangling from his mouth. I look at Noelle and Ethan taking a deep breath before saying "I take it that he's not taking it well with having me here."
"Oh no! Don't worry about him something must've happen for him to come home tonight...he's usually not like this" I shook my head. I know a jerk when I see one. After the awkward introduction of Matt we all continued to eat while Noelle and Ethan tried to make conversation with me. "So Niva what's your favorite subject in school?"
"I don't have one" I responded.
" Well would you consider getting involved in any extra curricular activities?"
"No." After their failed attempts of trying to get an insight on my life it was time to go to bed. I quickly retreated up the stairs to go to my room noticing that mine and Matt rooms were on the same end of the hallway. Great, now I'm right next to him". I shuffle to my room closing the door softly behind me. After already having unpacked everything I grab my towel and soaps to take a shower. One thing that I appreciate about having a room in a nice house is that I have my own personal bathroom. Stripping down until I'm completely naked I take time to stare at my body. I notice that the bruises that cover my rib cage as fading but they're still there. I twist and turn wincing at the pain, even though it's been awhile since a person has laid there hands on me but the pain is still there. I take in my natural hair that brushes a little past my shoulders, my wide dark eyes that are framed by short lashes, my mouth isn't overly full but are plump and pout like. I do find myself attractive but that's the problem. My attractiveness is apart of the reason why I'm here. After I'm done with analyzing myself I finally get in the shower trying to wash away all my problems without success.

Once Broken (Interracial)
Teen FictionEveryone has secrets some so drastic that it'll rip you apart limb by limb forever lurking in the background for someone to discover. Follow the life of Niva Harris as she learns how to trust and love herself.