halp. some1. pls.

16 1 0

I wayke up to brite lite an peopls staarin at me.

whiy cant I feel mi bodie? i ask.

they tel me to loookk.

I can noot move mi hed sow I yuse mi eyes.

I lok up.
I lookk down.

i cee weels an paint an I dont cee my leggs.

wat happen?1 what am i!! i ask th people.

theiy say wen the tran hit me they could only savee mi hed. sow theiy put mi hed in a tran.

wat abot mi brain? i ask. they say that i never had 1 aniway.

I smoile and go choO choO.

now demo will lovee me!!!1!!1!1!

iz ther ani thing u need? theiy ask.

i choO an say cabbages. I run out of cabbages I say.

they get mei cabage. I store thei cabagges in the cabage compartment theyy made 4 me.

now to find demo...

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 09, 2016 ⏰

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